Global Gender Statistics Programme United Nations Statistics Division Side event at the 42nd Session of the Statistical Commission and 55th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women New York, 24 February 2011
2 Background: IAEGM on the Development of Gender Statistics, December 2006, New York, NY Conclusions Growing demand for quality gender statistics and indicators Recent activities, while wide ranging, have been fragmented and isolated with limited impact Need to create synergies among existing initiatives Need for better management and dissemination of accumulated wealth of information and experience Need for methodological developments in emerging areas of gender concern
3 Background: IAEGM on the Development of Gender Statistics, December, New York, NY Recommendations Establish an Inter-Agency and Expert Group to review progress and provide guidance Organize a Global Forum on Gender Statistics Establish a system for the effective dissemination of gender statistics and indicators, materials and other resources Develop training courses and materials for statisticians
4 Programme areas and objectives International Coordination Objective: Improve global coherence Methods Objective: Promote methodological developments (Violence against women, Informal work, Time-use, Poverty) Capacity-Development Objective: Strengthen technical capacity (training, technical assistance) Data Management & Dissemination Objective: Improve access to data and materials (World’s Women, MDG Progress Chart, GenderInfo)
5 Implementation Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Rome, Italy, December 2007 IAEG-GS, December 2007 Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Accra, Ghana, January 2009 IAEG-GS, January 2009 Global Forum on Gender Statistics, Manila, Philippines, October 2010 IAEG-GS, October 2010
6 ( cont.ed ) Implementation Establishment of Advisory Groups: 1.Global Gender Statistics and Indicators Databases 2.Gender Statistics Training Activities and Curricula 3.Gender Statistical Legislation
7 Global Fora – Key ecommendations Institutionalize the mainstreaming of gender into the whole national statistical system (statistical legislation, NSDS, standards and methods, data collection tools, administrative data, civil registration, coordination of NSS, role of NSOs) Capacity development (training, including for data analysis, users-producers, ad hoc technical assistance) Strengthen key areas (time use, gender-based violence, maternal mortality and care) Development of a common list of indicators Strengthen sub-national data production