A WMO/IGAC Report Impacts of Megacities on Air Quality and Climate Change
Impacts of Mega-cities on Air Quality and Climate A report of WMO/IGAC Sarah Doherty Laura Gallardo Michael Gauss Mark Lawrence Abdourahamane Konare Yutaka Kondo David Parrish Tong Zhu
Chapter 1: Introduction-methodology Chapter 2: Africa Chapter 3: North America Chapter 4: South America Chapter 5: Asia Chapter 6: Europe Chapter 7: Overview of international collaborative activities Chapter 8: Synthesis of knowledge: highlighting key issues Chapter 9:Conclusions and Implications for Policy Outline of WMO/IGAC Megacities Assessment
Chapter 1: Introduction 1.Urbanization process 2.Description of types Mega-cities 3.mega-cities air quality and climate issues 4.The similarities and the differences in emissions between mega- cities 5.Scientific tool for studying megacity air quality and climate 6.Links to other megacitites associated issues Chapter 2: Africa 1.Overview: 2.The Greater Cairo Area 3.Johannesburg, Lagos not finished Outline of WMO/IGAC Megacities Assessment
Chapter 3: North America 1.Los Angeles: An environmental success story 2.The U.S. Northeast urban corridor and Houston, Texas: Contrasting US urban areas 3.Mexico City: North America’s most populous and rapidly developing megacity 4.Pollution transport in North America 5.Conclusions Chapter 4: South America 1.Introduction 2.Cross-cutting Issues 3.Air quality in large urban agglomerations in South America 4.Buenos Aires 5.Lima 6.Medellin 7.Santiago 8.Sao Paolo 9.Summary and Outlook Outline of WMO/IGAC Megacities Assessment
Chapter 5: Asia 1.Overview 2.Bangkok 3.Beijing 4.Dhaka 5.Hong Kong 6.Jakarta 7.Seoul 8.Pearl River Delta 9.Shanghai 10.Tehran Delhi, Karachi, Calcutta, Mumbai, Manila, Tokyo not finshed Outline of WMO/IGAC Megacities Assessment
Chapter 6: Europe 1.European Megacities: General and Comparative Characteristics 2.London 3.Paris 4.Moscow 5.Benelux/Rhine-Ruhr 6.Po Valley 7.Eastern Mediterranean and Istanbul megacity Chapter 7: Overview of International collaborative activities: 1.MEGAPOLI 2.CITYZEN 3.PRD, CAREBEIJING to be finished 4.South America: 5.Milagro, ICARTT, CALNEX Outline of WMO/IGAC Megacities Assessment
Chapter 8 Synthesis of knowledge: highlighting key issues 1.Scaling law for concentration vs. population as a function of lifetime, and consequences for integrated health impact. 2.Comparison of air pollutant levels across different megacities 3.Evolution of air pollution: pressure to regulate and controls 4.The importance of regional transport to urban pollution levels 5.Sources of pollutants in different megacities 6.Aerosol composition across different cities 7.Importance of SOA 8.City vs. downwind: urban plume 9.Contribution of megacities to regional and global concentrations 10.Urban heat island 11.Tropical/sub-tropical cities vs. mid-latitude cities 12.Direct and indirect radiative forcing of aerosols in mega-cities and the surrounding region Outline of WMO/IGAC Megacities Assessment
Chapter 9 Conclusions and Implications for Policy 1.Co-benefits or “cancellation” of benefits from air quality mitigation and climate change mitigation. 2.Lessons learned from the past 3.Future trajectories Outline of WMO/IGAC Megacities Assessment
Timeline: 2009 Lead authors for the report identified May: The first lead authors meeting held in Beijing paper outline finalized additional contributing authors identified structure of chapters on specific megacities determined November: The second lead authors meeting held in Beijing, Discuss the zero draft, assign the writing task 2010 July : The third lead authors meeting to be hold in Halifax, to discuss the first draft, and finalize the report September 1: start the editing of the report October 1: internal/external review of the reports November: the final version of the report December, publish the report as a book Other outcomes expected from the report: A high profile synthesis paper A number of papers published as a special issue in AE or ACP?
Interaction with other initiatives Megacities and costal zone IGBP FTI IGBP Synthesis