Annotated Bibliography Eighth Grade Miss Elliott Shiloh Christian School
Annotated Bibliography- Book Author
Annotated Bibliography- Book Author.
Annotated Bibliography- Book Author. Title
Annotated Bibliography- Book Author. Title.
Annotated Bibliography- Book Author. Title.
Annotated Bibliography- Book Author. Title. City of Publisher
Annotated Bibliography- Book Author. Title. City of Publisher:
Annotated Bibliography- Book Author. Title. City of Publisher: Publisher
Annotated Bibliography- Book Author. Title. City of Publisher: Publisher,
Annotated Bibliography- Book Author. Title. City of Publisher: Publisher, copyright date
Author. Title. City of Publisher: Publisher, copyright date. Annotated Bibliography- Book
Start your annotation right here. (What you learned from the book- without saying “I learned” or “This book” It should be 3-5 sentences long) Author. Title. City of Publisher: Publisher, copyright date.
Annotated Bibliography- Internet Author (last name first)
Annotated Bibliography- Internet Author.
Annotated Bibliography- Internet Author. Article Title
Annotated Bibliography- Internet Author. Article Title.
Annotated Bibliography- Internet Author. “Article Title.”
Annotated Bibliography- Internet Author. “Article Title.” Date (If Available)
Annotated Bibliography- Internet Author. “Article Title.” Date.
Annotated Bibliography- Internet Author. “Article Title.” Date. Online Info (web address)
Annotated Bibliography- Internet Author. “Article Title.” Date. Online Info.
Annotated Bibliography- Internet Author. Article Title. Date. Online Info. Access Date (the date you got into the Internet)
Author. “Article Title.” Date. Online Info. Access Date. Annotated Bibliography- Internet
Author. “Article Title.” Date. Online Info. Access Date. Start your annotation right here. (What you learned from the book- without saying “I learned” or “This book” It should be 3-5 sentences long)
Eighth Grade Sample Using the eighth grade text as the sample
Eighth Grade Sample Berry, Dr. Trey Using the eighth grade text as the sample
Eighth Grade Sample Using the eighth grade text as the sample Berry, Dr. Trey.
Eighth Grade Sample Berry, Dr. Trey. The Arkansas Journey Using the eighth grade text as the sample
Eighth Grade Sample Using the eighth grade text as the sample Berry, Dr. Trey. The Arkansas Journey.
Eighth Grade Sample Berry, Dr. Trey. The Arkansas Journey. Using the eighth grade text as the sample
Eighth Grade Sample Berry, Dr. Trey. The Arkansas Journey. Salt Lake City Using the eighth grade text as the sample
Berry, Dr. Trey. The Arkansas Journey. Salt Lake City: Eighth Grade Sample
Berry, Dr. Trey. The Arkansas Journey. Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith, Publisher Using the eighth grade text as the sample Eighth Grade Sample
Using the eighth grade text as the sample Berry, Dr. Trey. The Arkansas Journey. Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith, Publisher, Eighth Grade Sample
Berry, Dr. Trey. The Arkansas Journey. Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith, Publisher, 2007 Using the eighth grade text as the sample
Berry, Dr. Trey. The Arkansas Journey. Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith, Publisher, Eighth Grade Sample
Berry, Dr. Trey. The Arkansas Journey. Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith, Publisher, Sign language began when there was a need to communicate with those who cannot speak. The pictures were incredible. The personalized story helped us to understand how sign language came about. Using the eighth grade text as the sample
Annotated Bibliography (centered at the top) (Double space) Primary Sources (Double Space) 1 st source-single space and then (Double Space) –Annotation-single space and then (Double Space) 2 nd source-same as above Secondary Sources 1 st source Due on Friday, October 24, 2014