County wide staff development October 3, 2008 By Pam Kidder Jennifer Pitney
K-W-L chart By each group 10 mins. LinkEARN
Desired Outcomes 1.Participants will know the definition of differentiated instruction according to Carol Tomlinson. 2.Participants will understand Tomlinson’s general principles of differentiation. 3.Participants will understand concepts and how they are used to extend learning. 4.Participants will understand Think-Tac-Toes and how they can be used to differentiate learning.
Part 1: Differentiation
Essential Question What is differentiation of instruction? Activity #1 10 mins. Link EARN
Concept map of differentiation
Tomlinson’s three principles of differentiation Respectful tasks Flexible grouping Ongoing assessment and adjustment LEducateARN
Part 2: Concepts
LEducateARN What is concept based teaching?
In the poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost, choose words or phrases from the poem that demonstrate one concept from the pairs of concepts below. Signs and Symbols/Choices Fate/Duty Exploration/Values LEActive LearningRN
Part 3: Think-Tac-Toes and other similar student choice organizers
Who? Any teacher, any grade, any subject What? Five kinds of choice organizers When? Any time- Preassessment, Project, Lesson, Assessment Where? On paper, on poster, on folder Why? To help the teacher provide differentiation in an easy way and allow the student choice
Seeing Double, Triple Play, Four Score, Sixer Mixer and Think-Tac-Toes
Ways to Incorporate Think Tac Toes - Create one of your own.
Closing Activity 10 mins. LEARNow and Then