Australian Charities 2014 Diverse, significant, vital Susan Pascoe AM, Commissioner of the ACNC 4 December 2015, Melbourne Join the conversation on Twitter with #australiancharities2014
THE ACNC – OUR OBJECTS Australia’s national regulator of charities. Established 3 December Objects of the ACNC Act: –to maintain, protect and enhance public trust and confidence in the sector; –to support and sustain a robust, vibrant, independent and innovative sector; and –to promote the reduction of unnecessary regulatory obligations
THE ACNC AND DATA We don’t just collect data, but are committed to returning it to the sector in useful ways. Transparency supports public trust and confidence. Reliable, comprehensive data provides evidence to help decision-making and promote a vibrant and innovative sector. The ACNC also shares our data with other agencies to reduce duplication and red tape, such as through the Charity Passport.
2014 ANNUAL INFORMATION STATEMENT An annual reporting requirement, 2014 is the second year. 19 questions (3 optional). Covers charities activities, staffing, operations, reporting, beneficiaries. Financial details for the first time in
AUSTRALIAN CHARITIES 2014 REPORTS ACNC engaged the Centre for Social Impact and Social Policy Research Centre at University of NSW to analyse 2014 AIS data. Series of four reports: –Australian Charities 2014 (main report) –Australia’s Disability Charities 2014 (7 Dec 2015) –Australia’s Charities and Red Tape 2014 (Feb 2016) –Australia’s International Charities 2014 (April 2016) Supported by interactive online resources:
AUSTRALIAN CHARITIES ,798 Annual Information Statements The report reveals an incredibly diverse, economically significant sector that makes a vital community contribution. Unique, comprehensive information about charities that is available for the first time. Adds to the knowledge gained from Australian Charities
A DIVERSE SECTOR Charities vary considerably in size: –64.1% are small (less than $250k income) –16.6% are medium ($250k - $999,999) –19.2% are large ($1mn+) But, 31.5% of charities have less than $50k income. 0.4% of charities receive $100m+. 6.4% of charities are more than 100 years old, but 11% were started in the last five years.
A DIVERSE SECTOR No one activity type dominates, although religion and education are the largest categories. The diversity among charities requires a differentiated approach to regulation and discussion of the sector.
ECONOMICALLY SIGNIFICANT More than $103 billion in income. –$42 billion in government grants –$6.8 billion in donations and bequests –$54.5 billion in other income (e.g. trading income, capital gains, interest) $95 billion spent pursuing their purposes, including $51 billion in wages. Maintaining transparency and supporting the economically significant charity sector is essential.
EMPLOYMENT BY CHARITIES Charities are an important source of employment, with up to 9.7% of the total Australian workforce. Charities add to the efforts of these staff with a strong contribution from volunteers. Underscores the vital role charities play in mobilising people to help the community.
VITAL COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTION Charities operate all over Australia, providing services to a wide range of beneficiaries. The spread of charities across cities and regions maps well against the spread of the Australian population. Charities also make a significant contribution overseas.
VITAL COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTION Charities support the full breadth of the community, making a vital contribution. Charities helped their beneficiaries in a diverse ways Helping charities to maintain good governance and pursue their purposes effectively will support them in their vital work.
OTHER RESEARCH RESOURCES Australian Charities 2013 report ( Download our online datasets at Public Trust and Confidence in Australian Charities ( Ernst & Young Red Tape Report ( 13 ACNC ( ) 9.00 am – 6.00 pm AEST More information Contact the ACNC