Earth Week 2009 The Climate Crisis: A Focus on Energy Mr. Weaver
Objectives The student will be able to: Explain the phenomenon of “the greenhouse effect” and describe how human activity has unnaturally altered this process; Cite evidence supporting the theory that human activity significantly contributes to global warming and analyze the validity of this evidence; Describe how global warming is changing the planet and explain the disastrous consequences of not halting the process. Analyze his/her lifestyle and create a plan for reducing his/her energy consumption.
Agenda 1. Global Warming Pre-Test 2. Warm-up Activity – considering your impact 3. “Global Warming 101” video 4. Closure 5. Begin homework
Before We Begin… Please complete the Earth Week Pre-Test Just go with your first thought for each question. Do not spend more than a few seconds on any one question. When you are finished, please turn your paper over.
Hand in Your Pre-Test Throughout the unit, we will address each topic covered on this pre-test. Follow the unit notes/outline as we encounter each topic.
Close Your Eyes… Close your eyes and think about your daily routines, about how you live your life. Breathing, eating, driving/taking the bus to school, listening to your iPod, doing school work, reading books, etc. Your possessions Shoes, clothes, car, computer, bed, cell phone, jewelry, etc.
Have You Ever Considered… Have you ever considered what natural resources you consume on a daily basis? What materials do you take from the Earth just to survive? How does your very existence impact the environment?
Human Impact on the Earth Throughout this unit, we will focus on this question of how human activity affects the environment. We will primarily focus on energy usage and how it contributes to climate change. The big question : How can we lessen our impact on the environment so we can indefinitely sustain life on planet Earth?
Global Warming 101 The following video from National Geographic briefly introduces the scientific phenomenon of “global warming” and provides data supporting the idea that human activity is a major contributor to it. Disastrous consequences if we do not change our way of life Unit study guide/outline Click here for video Click here for video
Closure In your own words, explain “the greenhouse effect” Describe how human activity has unnaturally altered this process. Cite evidence supporting the theory that human activity significantly contributes to global warming. Assess the validity of this evidence
Closure (Slide 2) Describe how the planet will change if global warming continues to accelerate. Consequences on living beings? Analyze your lifestyle and identify a few changes you would make to decrease your energy consumption. How would the planet benefit if everyone made these changes?
Tonight’s Assignment For homework, please collect the following information from your parents: Approximate size of your home (in square feet) Type of energy you use to heat your house Energy saving features in house (Energy Star appliances, storm windows, insulation, water saving features, etc.) Miles traveled in a year by car, bus, train, plane Where your family gets groceries and whether they buy organic