Safe roads, Reliable journeys, Informed travellers Highways Agency’s Journey Time Reliability Target With Thanks to Paresh Tailor Business Planning & Performance Brian Harbord Travel & Traffic Systems Group, SSR
Highways Agency Executive Agency of the Dept. for Transport Operate, maintain and improve the strategic road network Framework Document – Aims and Objectives Annual Business Plan – key performance indicators
Highways Agency Performance Improve Journey Reliability on SRN Improve Air Quality PSA Target Reduce National Road casualties HA Aim Safe Roads, Reliable Journeys, Informed Travellers HA Objectives Reducing Congestion and Improving Reliability Improving Road Safety Respecting the Environment Seeking and Responding to Customer Feedback Improving Efficiency
Improving Journey Reliability PSA target: By , make journeys more reliable on the strategic road network. Measured by improving average delay on the slowest 10% of journeys on the strategic road network, compared to baseline period (August 2004 – July 2005).
Trip Journey Times TRIP X AT NN:00 ON DAY Y Average Journey Time Excessive Delay reference journey time Journey Time achieved 9 times out of 10 Major incident journey time No. of trips Delay on 10% worst journeys
Defining the Network Strategic road network divided into 103 routes Delays from the 10% worst journeys calculated for each of 103 routes, for each day of the week (Mon – Sun), for each time of day ( ), measured in 15 minute intervals i.e. 80,752 combinations Between the baseline period of August 2004 to July 2005 and the target period of April 2007 to March 2008.
Baseline Calculation 3 values calculated for each of the 80,752 distributions: delay in minutes for each of the worst journeys - the difference between the route journey time and the “reference” journey time total delay experienced by all vehicles - delay calculated above multiplied by the flow along the route vehicle miles associated with those journeys - product of the number of vehicles and the route length
Baseline Headlines Average delay associated with the worst journeys is 3.5 min/10 miles (compared with 1.1 min/10 miles for all journeys) 31% of all delays are associated with the worst 10% journeys Figure higher in less congested periods (45% at weekends) 85% of the worst delays occur during weekdays and almost half of the delays (46%) occur in the weekday peaks
PSA Baseline Total Delay above 90 th %ile Journey Time by Route for the worst ten routes
Baseline Headlines
Average vehicle delay for the 10% worst journeys on the network
Baseline Variation of Veh Delay
Implications for HA of journey reliability target Focus on managing in real time and preventing major incidents Focus on improving the routes with the worst journeys experienced by greatest number of road users Improving quality of customer information and influencing travel behaviour to minimise unnecessary delays
Improving Reliability Various areas of work being undertaken with the overall aim of improving reliability: Traffic Officer Service & Traffic Incident Management Better co-ordination of roadworks Customer information Investment in technology PSA target will act as a spur, ensuring that this work is focused on delivering the best possible outcomes for our customers.
Safety Continue to maintain the network in safe and serviceable condition. PSA target for road safety: 33% reduction in ”killed or seriously injured” 10% reduction in rate of slight casualties Contribute to national 50% reduction in child casualties Road worker safety.
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