Latin & US Currency Ex Libris Luci
One Dollar Bill ANNUIT COEPTIS : (He [God] nods to the undertaking) From Vergil‘s Aeneid -Bk. IX.625 * Iuppiter omnipotens, audacibus adnue cœpti (Jupiter allpowerful, favor my brave undertakings.) + The parallel here is between Aeneas and his son‘s establishment of a nation that would eventually become Rome and the beginning of our new nation.
Novus Ordo Seclorum New order of the World Do you see the underlined Roman Numerals? MDCCLXXVI Can you figure out what year it is? M = 1,000 D = 500 C = 100 L = 50 X = 10 V = 5 I = 1
E PLURIBUS UNUM One out of Many This phrase can be found on the back of all US coins.
State Quarters Esto Perpetua ( Let it be everlasting) ~State Motto~ This appears to be the only state quarter with a Latin phrase on the reverse.