utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 1 Haverhill Traffic Counts Access Patterns
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 2 Arrival/Departure Patterns Access Patterns
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 3 Average Annual Daily Traffic Access Patterns 2014 Avg. Annual Daily Traffic * Figures Adjusted to ,001 to 15,000 25,001 to 32,000 20,001 to 25,000 15,001 to 20,000 0 to 10,000 12,000 12,500 13,000* 10,000 1,000 4,500* 5,500* 15,000* 7,000* 13,000 25,500* 28,000*21,000* 10,500* Source: MassDOT 16,066 7,988
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 4 Access Patterns Arrival/departure patterns
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 5 Access Patterns Bus circulation
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 6 Downtown Haverhill Barriers Access Patterns Railroad Pinch Point Large Parcel Large Parcel Large Parcel Pinch Point No connectivity to waterfront Park Way ends Large Parcel Pinch Point 85’ ROW River
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 7 Connectivity and Circulation Strategies Access Patterns 1)Continue Park Way to connect to Emerson 2)Ladder Streets 1)Remove Merrill 2)Extend West to river 3)Extend Howe to river 4)Create new ladder street between Harbor Place and Howe 5)Extend Harbor Place to river 1 2
utiledesign.com Client Name 8 Urban design strategies and alternatives
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 9 Develop urban “moments” along Merrimack Street by focusing development energy along the corridor Strengthen connection between Downtown, Washington Square, and Main Street Improve existing ladder streets and add new streets to drive development (and value) up from the river Attract complementary development at a range of scales Spread use types and absorption across the district (don’t use it up on one or two sites) Don’t give up on your parking pricing program Develop a comprehensive phased parking plan to replace the Goecke Deck and accommodate shifts in demand over time Urban design strategies Project principles
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 10 Potential redevelopment sites Urban design strategies
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 11 Urban design strategies and alternatives Urban design strategies
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 12 Existing condition Urban design strategies Parking total: 1,
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 13 Strategy 1: Streetscape and public realm improvements Urban design strategies Parking total: 1,505Parking loss: 4 Parking gained: 19 Parking total: 1,520 Parking delta: +15 Neckdowns at key intersections District-wide landscape improvements Improved pedestrian crossings Plaza expansion Consistent streetscape identity from Washington Square to Main Street
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 14 Urban design strategies Strategy 1: Streetscape and public realm improvements New covered bus stops Placemaking potential in city- owned alley Plaza expansion Parking loss: 4 Parking gained: 19 Parking total: 1,520 Parking delta: +15
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 15 Shared Space Urban design strategies New Road, Brighton: Motor vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians share the same space.Market Square, Pittsburgh: street is on the same plane as the sidewalk cafés on the perimeter
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 16 Curb extensions Urban design strategies Bow St Hoboken, NJSan Francisco, CASeattle, WA
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 17 Strategy 2: Programming / events along Merrimack Street Urban design strategies Extend downtown street festivals to Merrimack St Relocate farmers market to draw activity to Merrimack St and the river Activate public alleyway Initiate parklet program Activate east end of district through flexible/temporary retail spaces Plaza programming Parking loss: 23* Parking gained: 0 Parking total: 1,497 Parking delta: -23 * Temporary loss of spaces for container retail
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 18 Strategy 2: Programming / events along Merrimack Street Urban design strategies Parking loss: 23* Parking gained: 0 Parking total: 1,497 Parking delta: -23 * Temporary loss of spaces for container retail
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study ft WIDE alley activation program in Austin, TX Urban design strategies Programming and activation: public alleys
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 20 Open Street programming, nationwide Street Dinners, an international program Urban design strategies Programming and activation: festivals and open streets
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 21 Forge Baking Co. parklet in Somerville, MA Pop-up parklet in Oakland, CA Grays Ferry Triangle plaza improvements, Philadelphia, PA Urban design strategies Programming and activation: parklets and plazas
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 22 Proxy, San Francisco, CA; café and retail activation of vacant parking lot Chaiwalla & Co container café, Malaysia Urban design strategies Programming and activation: shipping containers/temporary retail
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 23 Strategy 3: Reorganize parking and enhance the street network Urban design strategies Parking loss: 23* Parking gained: 0 Parking total: 1,497 Parking delta: -23 * Temporary loss of spaces for container retail
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study spaces in shared parking lot and 155 spaces in new lots along redesigned Bailey Boulevard Strategy 3: Reorganize parking and enhance the street network Urban design strategies Potential Boys and Girls Club expansion Potential future parking facility Parking loss: 321 Parking gained: 427 Parking total: 1,603 Parking delta: +106
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 25 Bailey narrowed to provide surface parking Shared surface parking to improve circulation and efficiency 241 spaces in shared parking lot and 155 spaces in new lots along redesigned Bailey Boulevard Strategy 3: Reorganize parking and enhance the street network Urban design strategies Parking loss: 321 Parking gained: 427 Parking total: 1,603 Parking delta: +106
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 26 Strategy 3: Reorganize parking and enhance the street network Urban design strategies Park Way extension functions as service street to improve traffic circulation Parking loss: 321 Parking gained: 427 Parking total: 1,603 Parking delta: +106
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 27 Strategy 4: Redesign of MVRTA Station Urban design strategies Continuous boardwalk from Washington Square to Harbor Place Completed boardwalk/Bradford Rail Trail circuit New bus stops Flexible public/ farmers market structure Post office and parking circulation maintained Parking loss: 43 Parking gained: 28 Parking total: 1,588 Parking delta: -15
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 28 Strategy 4: Redesign of MVRTA Station Urban design strategies Public access to riverfront Year-round activity at open market Parking loss: 43 Parking gained: 28 Parking total: 1,588 Parking delta: -15
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 29 Strategy 4: Redesign of MVRTA Station Urban design strategies Parking total: 1,505 Public access to riverfront Year-round activity at open market Parking loss: 43 Parking gained: 28 Parking total: 1,588 Parking delta: -15
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 30 Public markets Urban design strategies Fulton Street Farmers Market, Grand Rapids, MI Market before (left) and after (below)
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 31 Sneha, I’ll do this slide based on the illustrator file… we’re going to highlight parcels but not show actual massings for the public meeting Strategy 5: Potential development sites Potential Harbor Place phase 2 Lupoli building Goecke Deck Existing boardwalk Boardwalk under construction Funded boardwalk Tehrani/Newman building
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 32 Updating parking counts and base image, using strategy 4 basemap (but without highlights on MVRTA redesign) and highlighting the existing garage. Phase 2 of Harbor Place should also appear in this base image Show phase 2 of Harbor Place in yellow for these slides Strategy 6: Design alternatives for Goecke Deck Urban design strategies Potential Harbor Place phase 2 Parking total (strategies 1-5): 1,588
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study spaces* 48 spaces Existing Urban design strategies * includes 7 spaces behind old Pentucket Bank S Main Street Bailey Blvd Park Way Parking total (strategies 1-5): 1,588
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 34 Update plaza Keep permanent buildings here for 1a Show phase 2 of Harbor Place in yellow for these slides Test fit 1a Urban design strategies Commercial – 7,880 Sf Residential – 43 units 39,400 SF Commercial –6,820 Sf Residential – 38 units SF 495 spaces* Parking loss: 48 Parking gained: 0 Parking total: 1,457 Parking delta: -48 S Main Street Bailey Blvd Park Way Potential Harbor Place phase 2 Parking loss: 48 Parking gained: 0 Parking total: 1,540 Parking delta: -48
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 35 Connect buildings on upper floors Plaza Show phase 2 of Harbor Place in yellow for these slides Test fit 2 Urban design strategies Possible site for new parking deck – 588 spaces Commercial –14,700 Sf Residential –96 units 86,820 SF Parking loss: 227 Parking gained: 588 Parking total: 1,866 Parking delta: +361 S Main Street Bailey Blvd Park Way Potential Harbor Place phase 2 Parking loss: 227 Parking gained: 588 Parking total: 1,949 Parking delta: +361
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 36 Update plaza Replacing these with container commercial spaces for 1b Show phase 2 of Harbor Place in yellow for these slides Test fit 1b Urban design strategies Preactivation with temporary shops/ shipping containers 495 spaces* Parking loss: 48 Parking gained: 0 Parking total: 1,457 Parking delta: -48 S Main Street Bailey Blvd Park Way Potential Harbor Place phase 2 Parking loss: 48 Parking gained: 0 Parking total: 1,540 Parking delta: -48
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 37 Fix parking lot Expanded plaza Show development here Show phase 2 of Harbor Place in yellow for these slides Show development here Test fit 3: Preferred scenario Urban design strategies Possible site for new parking deck – 588 spaces Commercial –19,575 Sf Residential –153 units 138,200 SF Residential – 28 units 25,920 SF 198 Spaces Parking loss: 543 Parking gained: on Haverhill Pl Parking total: 1,748 Parking delta: +243 Residential – 90 units 80,880 SF Residential – 45 units 40,700 SF S Main Street Bailey Blvd Park Way Potential Harbor Place phase 2 Parking loss: 543 Parking gained: 797 Parking total: 1,842 Parking delta: +254
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 38 Test fit comparison Urban design strategies
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 39 Test fit comparison Urban design strategies
utiledesign.com Client Name 40 Next Steps
utiledesign.com MassDevelopment Haverhill TDI Planning Study 41 Promote and collect public input on project website: Finalize development test fits, incorporating tonight’s feedback Evaluate market and traffic implications of design strategies Synthesize recommendations, market, and traffic impacts into final planning recommendations with build-out scenarios for redevelopment sites and proposed scenarios Develop storefront and signage guidelines Complete parking strategy for current and proposed conditions Next Steps
utiledesign.com Client Name 42 Discussion