Welcome to Open House at Harrand Creek Elementary Where Little Pirates Have Adventures with Mrs. Beebe
Welcome to the wonderful world of 2nd grade. My name is Pam Beebe and I am delighted to be your child’s teacher. I consider it a great privilege and responsibility to be your child’s teacher this year!
Our Schedule 8:10-9:30Math 9:30-10:00Social Studies 10:00-11:30Reading 11:30-11:55Lunch 11:55-12:05Bathroom Break/transition/AR 12:05-12:35Language Arts/Spelling 12:35-1:10Tier II/AR 1:10-1:55PE 1:55-2:45Science
Curriculum Reading/Spelling/Language Arts – Wonders by McGraw Hill (New) Math – AMSTI and Saxon Science – AMSTI Social Studies – Harcourt We use the Common Core Curriculum to determine what skills are taught in 2 nd Grade.
Accelerated Reader (AR) Program designed to test reading comprehension and promote a love for reading. These tests are taken on the computer and test comprehension skills. Your child will have a goal to reach each 9 weeks and must have at least 85% accuracy on the tests. As a parent, your job is to encourage your child to read AR books at home, question them on what they have read, and ask if they took any tests at school. You will be able to check their progress online.
Grades Students will receive letter grades (A, B, C, D, F) in the following subjects: Reading, Language Arts, Spelling and Math. Students will receive an S (Satisfactory), N (Needs Improvement), or U (Unsatisfactory) in Science and Social Studies.
Grades A 80-89B 70-79C 60-69D 0-59F
Homework Students will typically have Reading, Spelling, and Math homework every night. Homework for the week will be sent home on Mondays, but checked for a parent signature and completion every morning. Please make sure you sign their homework sheet every night.
Wednesday Folders - Review work for the week -See Behavior grade for the week -Observe Reading Fluency -Sign and return on Thursday -Send back all graded papers
Incentives and Rewards for Good Behavior Good conduct grade Fun Friday time Verbal praise Visit to treasure chest
Conduct - Sent home every week in Wednesday folder to report the previous week’s grade -Students earn points (or lose points) daily according to wear they land on the chart. -They must earn 10 pts. for the week to go to the Treasure Chest. -Students earn a 100% for weekly conduct if they earn 1-10 pts. during the week. -A letter needs to be sent to me if you choose for your child not to receive corporal punishment from our principal
Bus Behavior When students are on the bus, they are on school property and should behave as they would in “regular” school. If a student misbehaves on the bus, it will result in a referral to the principal and will be handled as follows: –1 st referral: warning –2 nd referral: disciplinary action taken –3 rd referral: 5 day bus suspension –4 th – 7 th referral: 10 day bus suspension
Lunch and Snack Money Send to school in an envelope with your child’s name on it, the amount of money, and what the money is for (lunch or snack). Student lunches are $2/day ($10/week). Breakfast and lunch money can also be paid by phone or on-line. (877) or Visitor’s lunches are $3.50. Visitors need to sign in at the front office.
Conference We will have 2 conferences this year. We can schedule more conferences if requested by you and/or me. There will be a place for you to mark in their Wednesday folders if you want an additional conference.
Attendance Tardies and absences will only be excused if a child is home sick. Excuses must be brought in when your child returns to school. If your child is out more than three days in a row, the school must have a doctor’s, dentist’s, or health official’s note. When a student is checked out early, he/she will still need a note for it to be excused. More information about Attendance is in the Student Handbook.
Physical Education P.E. is required for all students except those with medical excuses from a physician. Please wear or send in tennis shoes/sneakers for P.E. Please collect “box tops” and soup labels to help fund our P.E. department. You can send these in on the forms sent home by Mrs. Grimes, or in a zip-top bag.
Medication An “administration of medication” form must be completed and signed by the parent before any medication can be administered. Students may not have any type of medication in their possession at school.
Transportation If you have a child that is a car rider in the mornings, please drop them off at the front entrance; pull down to the next available cone before letting your child out. If you have a child that is a car rider in the afternoons, AND they are a 1 st, 2 nd, or 5 th grader…you go to the front door pick up. If you have a child that is a car rider in the afternoons, AND they are a 3 rd, 4 th, or 6 th grader…you go to the side door pick up. If you have more than one child at Harrand Creek, you go to the youngest child’s pick-up.
Additional Information Please send an extra light jacket to keep in the room. Testing is provided for the Gifted Program in 2 nd Grade, but services do not start until 3 rd Grade. Pages 35 and 36 of the Elementary Handbook must be signed and returned to school on the first day the student attends.
Mrs. Beebe’s Wish List Red pens ** Copy Paper Clorox wipes Books for classroom library (new or old) Small toys for the children’s treasure chest Ziplock bags (any size) Kleenex tissue Wet wipes
Ways to Keep in Touch Call me at Harrand Creek / Send a note in your child’s daily folder or Wednesday folder Set up a conference me at Web Page
How to Use the Web Page Go to Click on Schools Click on Harrand Creek Click on Visit Website Click on Teacher Pages Click on Pamela Beebe