Word attack
Selection of word First two-three words will be selected by the teacher and rest will be selected by the learners from each chapter Example Act
Identifying the part of speech of the word with the help of the sentences Example: Act-Noun- It is an act of kindness to help a blind man across the street Act-Verb-The police refused to act until they had more evidence.
Making more words from the given words Example: Act acting, action, activate, active, activist, activity, actor/actress, actual
Identifying the part of speech of all the new words made from the given word Example: 1. Acting-noun-He is the acting manager 2. Acting-verb-who is acting the part of the King? 3. Action-noun-Her quick action saved her life 4. Activated-verb-the reaction was activated by heat 5. Active-Adjective-An active volcano 6. Actively-Adverb-His proposal is being actively considered 7. Activist-noun- Ravi works as an activist 8. Activity-noun-The house has been full of activity all day. 9. Actor/actress-He is an actor 10. Actual-(Adj.)-What were his actual words? 11. Actuality-Noun-In actuality, I knew about the plan already
Making sentences from each word
Write synonym and antonym of the given word and new words made from the given word
Knowing and learning phrases which include these words