Thursday, the 19th of February Natural disasters
Write down the words Volcano eruption Landslide Hurricane Flood Tornado Forest fire Avalanche Drought Earthquake Tsunami Snowstorm Извержение вулкана Оползень Ураган Наводнение Смерч Лесной пожар Лавина Засуха Землетрясение Цунами Вьюга
Matching a period with no rain amount of water that covers area that is usually dry a strong windstorm that consists of tall column a huge wave caused by an earthquake a shaking of the ground a large mass of snow falling gown the side of a mountain sliding of a mass of soil an uncontrolled fire in a wooden area extremely violent wind or storm the sudden occurrence of a violent of steam the falling or Volcano eruption Landslide Hurricane Flood Tornado Forest fire Avalanche Drought Earthquake Tsunami Cliche: I think tsunami is a huge wave caused by an earthquake
In my opinion it is…
In my opinion it is…
In my opinion it is…
Listening comprehension
The most famous disasters in the world
Indonesia's Mount Merapi
Sumatra Island in Indonesia
Hurricane Katrina
Australia’s forest fire
Chile earthquake
Drought in China