Detecting Assimilation Unit 10, Book One
last year / l a: s tF E:/ would you / w u dV u/ and you did you put you don’t you next year want you glad you without your help
Listen to the tape and supply the missing words. Book1, P.95 Listen to these sentences again and repeat them one by one.
Surviving a plane crash 1. Could you name some natural disasters and man-made disaster? What damage can they cause? Floods, earthquakes, volcano eruptions, tornadoes, hurricanes, droughts, tsunami, etc. 2. What can we do to help people in a disaster-stricken area? donatemosquito
9.11 terrorist attack
Surviving a plane crash predict what you are going to hear from the text. notes-taking Time Place Cause of the crash Number of people killed The reason for staying alive for nine days
1.I heard groans and I worked out that possibly six other people were still alive. 2.I didn’t know that we were in a swamp in the middle of a jungle and that the helicopters couldn’t fly in the heavy rain.
Detecting liaison Book one, page 116
Liaison 连读 there are an average day Small talk is easy, isn ’ t it? fill in a form get up When I put my card in, the machine ate it.
Leisure time book I, p.47 Sunday morning