Scorpius The Summer Arachnid
Scorpius is visible in the sky during the Summer, and is best seen in July. The two brightest stars in Scorpius are Antares and Graffias, also known by their Bayer names as “α Sco” and “β1 Sco”. Scorpius lies at Right Ascension 17 hours and Declination -40º Scorpius is not to be confused with Scorpio, Scorpio being the Astrological term, and Scorpius being the real name of the constellation.
Scorpius Mythology There are many versions and variations of the story of Scorpius, in one myth, Scorpius was a monster that caused great unrest in the heavens by disturbing the chariot of the Sun, causing the horses to veer off too close to the Earth’s surface, burning forests and drying up oceans, and was placed in the heavens as punishment. In another myth, Scorpius was dispatched to kill Orion, who boasted he could kill every beast on Earth, and they became mortal enemies. When they were placed in the sky as constellations, they were placed at opposite sides of the sky, constantly chasing one another, vowing to kill each other, but never meeting. Thus, Orion is visible in Winter, and Scorpius, in Summertime.
Astrology October 24 - November 22 Birthdays In the “study” of Astrology, those born under the sign of Scorpio are those of a water sign. They are said to have captivating eyes, strong principles of sensitivity and being empathetic for others. They enjoy mystery and finding out about others. They appreciate being respected, and will respect you.
Scorpius was known as Vrishchika in the Hindi language, given the word for Scorpion. In Hawaiian culture, the constellation Scorpius was known as “Maui’s Fishhook, which the demigod Maui cast into the ocean to pull out the Hawaiian Islands. When the line snapped, Maui threw the fishhook into the sky, where it became the star constellation.
Pop Culture : Homestuck Homestuck is my favorite webcomic, written by Andrew Hussie, and continues to be edited and a popular story and fandom. In the story, there are extra-terrestrial characters known as the Trolls from the Planet Alternia, each with a zodiac symbol and characteristics from their respective sign.
Vriska Serket Vriska Serket is the troll that bears the sign and other characteristics of Scorpio. She is one of the Highbloods in the Alternian blood-caste system, and one of the story’s antagonists.
Citations Zimmerman, Kim Ann. "Scorpius Constellation: Facts About the Scorpion." (August 06, 2012 01:58pm ET): n. page. Web. 4 Sep. 2013. <>. Scorpius. N.d. Photograph. ABC.NetWeb. 4 Sep 2013. <>. Hussie, Andrew. Image - 02270.gif - MS Paint Adventures Wiki. N.d. Photograph. MS Paint AdventuresWeb. 4 Sep 2013. <>. Your Fictional Character crush. N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 4 Sep 2013. <>. Homestuck Trolls. N.d. Photograph. Deviant ArtWeb. 4 Sep 2013. Vriska Serket. Web-based Article. MSPA WikiWeb. 4 Sep 2013. <>. In the Grip of the Scorpion's Claw. N.d. Photograph. Nasa.govWeb. 28 Aug 2013. <>. Happy New Moon in Scorpio!. 2009. Photograph. JuliaStonestreetSmith.comWeb. 4 Sep 2013. <>. Scorpio- Water Sign. N.d. Photograph. Fun with Sun SignsWeb. 5 Sep 2013. <>. "Fun Sun Signs- Water signs." n. page. Web. 5 Sep. 2013. <>. "How to treat a Scorpio." n. page. Web. 5 Sep. 2013. <>. N.d. Photograph. Astrological-Readings.comWeb. 5 Sep 2013. <>. "Making Friends with the Night Sky: Maui’s Fishhook." (2009): n. page. Web. 5 Sep. 2013. <>.