Alex Wiggins 1 st Internship
1/18/2016Unrestricted Internal Use2 Who We Are A new independent company with a proven track record and $2.5 billion in revenue Formed when Onex Corporation purchased Kodak’s Health Group A world leader in: Medical imaging… digital and film Healthcare information technology Dental imaging and dental practice management software Molecular imaging Non-destructive testing
1/18/2016Unrestricted Internal Use3 Who We Are 8,100 employees serve customers in over 150 countries worldwide We hold more than 1,000 patents for technology and intellectual property Our products are at work in 90 percent of hospitals worldwide
1/18/2016Unrestricted Internal Use4 What We Do We are a leader in digital capture solutions Nearly two out of every five computed radiography (CR) systems sold in the U.S. and Canada are ours We are the only company that designs, manufactures and sells both CR and DR (digital radiography) systems We continue as a leader in all categories of film—digital output, radiology, mammography, dental and molecular imaging We continue as a leader in digital output solutions, with more than 50,000 Kodak DryView laser imagers on the market worldwide
Sub-Heading Goes Here CH Oregon Manufacturing
1/18/2016Unrestricted Internal Use6 White City Key Numbers Employees Hourly ~280 Contract ~10 Salaried ~50 Total ~340 Plant/Site Built Site - 80 Acres Plant - 237,000 Sq. Ft. Leased Warehouse 12,500 Sq Ft.
1/18/2016Unrestricted Internal Use7 Product History Copy Paper Microfilm Graphic Films Reader/Printer Paper DryView™ Medical DryView™ Graphics DryView™ Medical Generation II DryView™ Digital Mammography Approval™ Graphics Proofing Film DryView™ Medical Generation III “From Black & White to Continuous Tone”
Pay & Hours Pay - $18.50/hr Overtime was allowed with approval due to time constraints and people shortages Extremely flexible hours Benefits: Health club membership Company Events (BBQ, Picnics, raffles) 1/18/2016Unrestricted Internal Use8
Reporting Structures 1/18/2016Unrestricted Internal Use9 France Tuncq Head Of Global IT Herb Wipf CHO IT Supervisor Dennis Keaton TSA/ Desktop Support Glen Putnam DBA/Network Admin Jeff Gibson Lead Developer Lauri Bellamy Developer Alex Wiggins Network Engineer Joe Watson TSA/ Developer Mark McDonald TSA/ Desktop Support
Projects Application Portfolio Assessment Business and Manufacturing Network cutover Wireless Network Implementation Process Control Network Design and Implementation 1/18/2016Unrestricted Internal Use10
Application Portfolio Assessment Examined site application portfolio Interviewed supervisors and people using programs Determined from feedback what programs were Critical/non-critical Determined which programs needed upgrading or consolidation Provided feedback on functionality of programs to IT supervisors Gained understanding of the manufacturing facility ROI: Low 1/18/2016Unrestricted Internal Use11
Network Cutover & Wireless Network Cutover: Needed to exit the Kodak network New Switches, Routers, Active Directory, ect. Help Design a cutover plan for Printers and workstations Helped TSA’s move PC’s and Printers to new network Wireless: Deployed Access Points throughout the Plant 100% Coverage throughout the building ROI: Low 1/18/2016Unrestricted Internal Use12
Process Control Network Designed and Built a Industrial Ethernet Network Infrastructure for Connectivity and Integration of factory floor to business systems Vital to all Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System Support Highway for connecting factory floor to the business ROI: Medium 1/18/2016Unrestricted Internal Use13
Valuable Courses Computer Networking Courses CS 372 Software Engineering Courses CS 361, CS 362 Writing Courses WR 327 1/18/2016Unrestricted Internal Use14
What I Learned & Impressions Design Documents are critical for projects Finishing projects on time NO matter how long you spend on this document you will always receive more requirements during the project! Communication is Important Great work environment Laid Back Flexible hours Helpful people Endless amount of things to do just depends on how fast you work! 1/18/2016Unrestricted Internal Use15