UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA 3rd largest among 7 Croatian state universities Founded in 1973 – first school of higher education est. in Rijeka in 1672
UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA Consists of 10 faculties, 3 Departments, University Library and Student’s Centre Academic year 2008/2009: No. of students: No. of full-time teachers: 1012 No. of administration: 654 Average yearly student’s admission: abt freshmen
UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA Aim – to harmonize with EU universities in accordance with Bologna Process requirements and goals Implementation of Bologna Proces started in 2005 (including ECTS system) with 3 cycles: undergraduate/master/doctoral First Croatian University that came up with document: “Strategy of UniRi ” incorporating a strategy development plan – accent on excellence, quality assurance, LLL, active colaboration with local community & economy, active inclusion to EHEA & ERA…
UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA Transforming from predominately teaching to research university Recognizible for its excellence in many fields, particularly in: - engineering - shipbuilding - maritime affairs - biomedicine & basic medical research - social sciences - humanities sciences - natural sciences
RESEARCH OFFICE Research Office – est. in 2007 in accordance with Strategy Document within the Tempus Project “Capacity Buliding for Research in Croatia” – basic mission is to support researchers in procedure of applying & management of international projects (applying to the EU Tempus and Framework programme)
UNIRI’S CAPITAL INVESTMENTS Science & Technology Park Rijeka Investment cycles and Campus Trsat kn ( €)
MOREM TARGET OFFICES Centre for Studies Office for Teaching (5 employees) Internatonal relations office - est. in 2001 (2 employees) Career office – est. in Feb (1 employee) Department of human resources and legal affairs (1 employee)
MOREM TARGET UNIVERSITY MANAGEMENT Rector Vice-rectors for development & postgraduate studies; teaching and student affairs; science and international cooperation; finances Rector’s assistants for development and enhancing quality assurance Secretary General
UNIRI’S EXPECTATION FROM MOREM Improved quality of study and student services Activities within consortium flowing accordingly with the given project objectives and time plan Good start of the new established offices and strenghtening their capacities Improving University personnel quality
UNIVERSITY OF RIJEKA Thank you for your attention! Prof. D.Sc. Zdravko Lenac Vice-rector for science and international cooperation