Performance Management Training October , 2015 Grace Gorenflo, MPH, RN Principal Gorenflo Consulting, Inc.
Welcome and Introductions
Identify components of a performance management system Identify key performance standard(s) Develop relevant performance measures Identify reliable data sources for each performance measure Develop a data collection plan Identify key aspects for reporting of progress Training Objectives
While you are here Presentation and Discussion about Performance Management System Components Teamwork and Feedback Session for Performance Measures Performance Management System Implementation After you leave Evaluation Best Practices Today’s Agenda
Performance Management System Components
Establish a staff committee for performance management
Performance Standards Reflect an organization’s priorities and goals Strategic Plan Community Health Improvement Plan Quality Improvement Plan Workforce Development Plan 8
Performance Standards May be adapted from a national source National Public Health Performance Standards Healthy People 2020 Environmental Public Health Performance Standards Public Health Accreditation Board 9
Performance Standards Existing sources Federal, state or local standards Agency mandates Program requirements 10
Assess the degree to which standards are met Based on activities that help achieve the standard “So what” factor Performance Measures
Selection criteria Logical : There is a clear relationship between the measure and the activities that help meet the standard Within staff sphere of control: If the measure isn’t met, staff have the ability to make necessary changes Feasible: Data are available and can be collected and analyzed over time Think “line of sight” 12
OUTCOMES INPUTS OUTPUTS Short term Medium term Long term
Nat’l and State Goals Agency Outcom e Measure s Agency Process and Outcome Measures OUTCOMES INPUTS OUTPUTS Activities Short term Medium term Long term Standard s
15 Line of sight Activity Standard/Outcome Goal so that Measure
16 Line of sight Offer employee wellness opportunities Provide a supportive work environment Recruit and Maintain a Competent Workforce so that 1 new employee wellness opportunity is available each month % employees participating in monthly wellness opportunities
17 Line of sight Increase the proportion of schools that do not sell high- sugar beverages to 50% By 2017, achieve a 3% reduction in childhood obesity rates in our county so that Nutritionist holds meetings with 3 school districts each quarter Meet with school districts to assess their policies, discuss FDA recommendations, and share model policies so that
Performance Standards and Measures Group Exercise 18
Data for Performance Measures Sources What data are available? What additional data do we need to collect, and how can we get it? Can we collect the data over time? What is an appropriate frequency for data collection and analysis? Program: monthly/quarterly Division: semi-annual/annual Agency-wide: 2-3 years 19
Data for Performance Measures Baseline What is your starting point? Target What do you want to achieve? 20
Performance Management System Engage staff at all levels in developing the system Provide targeted staff with training on performance management Include customer satisfaction measures Document the system 21
Data Sources for Performance Measures Group Exercise 22
Teamwork and Feedback 23
Performance Management System Implementation 24
Performance Management Tracking Maintain tracking mechanisms 25
Performance Management Tracking Name Division Direct Supervisor Date of Report Program Performance Standard Performance Measure Baseline Target Status Update (Data and analysis) Recommended improvements (including recommendation for QI) Recommended measure revisions Document results, analyses, improvements and updated measures
Identify improvement opportunities Report on analyses, improvement opportunities and updated measures
Reporting of Progress What will be communicated and to whom? Staff Health department leadership Governing body Community partners Public
Conduct a self- assessment of the Performance Management System every 5 years