My Community Service At The American Red Cross Saving Lives for The Past 125 Years
American Red Cross History The American Red Cross was established on May 21, 1881 by Clara Barton. Since then people all over the country have been helping and volunteering in the effort to prepare people in case of Disaster. The year 2006 will mark the special 125 th anniversary of service to the American public.
125 years of Saving Lives The American Red Cross is best known for their recent help with the hurricanes that devastated Louisiana and Florida. However, this year The Red Cross will be celebrating 125 years of saving lives. They have not only helped save lives when disaster strikes, but have helped people better prepare and know what to do in case of an emergency or disaster situation.
What I Did As A Volunteer My friend Tasandra West and I both completed our community service at the Valdosta Chapter American Red Cross. Together, the both of us inserted names from the special donor list into the organizations new computer database. We also helped mail out thank you cards to all donors on the list. (Me Inserting Names)(Tasandra Reading off the Info)
How to Volunteer Each year the American Cross has over one million people volunteer to help saves lives through the American Cross. Whether you are answering phones in a local Red Cross office or handing out food at ground zero of a disaster, your help is needed.
Volunteering Continued If you yourself, or any one you know is interested in volunteering at the American Red Cross, find the local chapter of the Red Cross near you. Just call and Schedule an appointment that works with your schedule. Once your are their have fun saving lives.
Volunteer Jobs Available Office Work -Answering Phones -Helping with Mail Out’s -Computer Work And Much More! Field Work -Passing out Food -A Nurse at the disaster site hospital (depending on training) And Much More!
Who to Contact Penelope White is the person in charge of the Valdosta ARC Office. She would be the one to talk to in case you yourself wanted to volunteer in Valdosta.
Contact Information Valdosta ARC Chapter 527 N. Patterson St., 2nd Floor Valdosta, GA Phone: Fax: Web site: org
To Mrs. Penelope and all of the other people in the office, Thank you for letting us help with such a wonderful organization. Hope to work more with you in the future! - Brittany Baldwin