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Severe Weather.

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Presentation transcript:


Severe Thunderstorms Thunderstorm produce one or more of the following conditions: high winds, hail, flash floods, and tornadoes.

Tornado Wind moving in 2 directions causes a layer of air in the middle to spin Spinning column is turned vertical due to strong updrafts Low central pressure A funnel cloud forms at the bottom of a cumulonimbus cloud Once it touches ground it is a tornado Tornadoes occur in only 1% of all thunderstorms.

Hurricanes Large, rotating tropical weather system Most powerful storms on Earth Occur at 5-20 degrees latitude N and S Need warm water to form Winds spiral in towards intense low-pressure storm center Categories 1-5

Blizzards Blizzards are severe winter storms that pack a combination of blowing snow and wind resulting in very low visibilities. While heavy snowfalls and severe cold often accompany blizzards, they are not required. Sometimes strong winds pick up snow that has already fallen, creating a blizzard. Officially, the National Weather Service defines a blizzard as large amounts of falling OR blowing snow with winds in excess of 35 mph and visibilities of less than 1/4 of a mile for an extended period of time (greater than 3 hours).

Flood Flooding is when the water level in a creek, river, lake or the sea rises and covers land that is usually dry. While some floods occur without problem, others are devastating, causing large-scale destruction and significant loss of life. Flooding is experienced all over the world and in some countries such as Bangladesh, flooding occurs regularly.

Wildfire Any uncontrolled, non-structure fire that occurs in the wilderness. Wildfires differ from other fires only by their extensive size; the speed at which it spreads out from its original source; its ability to change direction unexpectedly; and to jump gaps, such as roads, rivers and fire breaks.

Lightning An electric discharge that occurs between a positively charged area and a negatively charged area. Lightning can occur between two clouds, between Earth and a cloud or between two parts of the same cloud. When lightning strikes, energy is released, which causes air to expand and rapidly send out sound waves (thunder).

Pick a Storm Hurricanes Blizzards Andrew Rita Katrina Hugo Ivan Galveston Wilma Blizzards Halloween Great Blizzard of '49 Armistice Day Blizzard

Pick a Storm Floods 1997 Red River Flooding Tornados Flooding in another country 2010 Tennessee Wildfire Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA)- various years California-focus on one or in general Hinkley Fire Tornados St. Peter Hugo Tri-State April 3-4, 1974: Super Outbreak The Natchez Tornado on May 7, 1840 The St. Louis/East St. Louis Tornado on May 27, 1896 The Gainesville Tornado on April 6, 1936 South Minneapolis