Chapter 23 Lesson 1
Did You Know Prescription and over-the-counter medicines are different. Both kinds of medicines play a large role in preventing and curing diseases.
Classification of Medicines A.Medicines are drugs used to treat or prevent an illness or other condition. B.Some medicines fight pathogens. C.Some medicines relieve pain. D.Some medicines promote health. E.Some medicines are antidepressant and antipsychotic. F.Some medicines treat cancer.
Medicines and the Body A.Medicines can have side effects. B.An additive interaction occurs when medicines are taken together to work in a positive way. C.A synergistic effect is an interaction of medicines that result in a greater effect than when taken alone. D.An antagonistic interaction can occur when the effect of one medicine's effect, larger doses of the medicine are needed to gain the same effect. E.When the body becomes tolerant, or used to, the medicines' effect, larger doses of the medicine are needed to gain the same effect. F.When a person stops using a medicine that he or she is dependent upon, the person can experience insomnia, chills, and other symptoms.
Medicine Safety A.Prescription drugs cannot be purchased without a physician’s written instructions and dispensed by a licensed pharmacist. B.Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines can be bought without a prescription, yet they must have the FDA approval for safety. C.Sometimes medicines is misused. 1. People give medicines to someone for whom it wasn’t prescribed. 2. People take too much or too little of the medicine for a different length of time that was prescribed. 3. People stop taking their medicines without consulting their doctor. 4. People mix medicines that they shouldn’t