Solidarity Observations +Doctrinal Concern +Prayer +Solutions +“one accord” +Desire for Praise Objective +Create Unity +Prayer for each other +Togetherness for bonds +Sense of Community Our Acts +Make Bible Study GREAT +Pray Together +Make Worship Devoted To be like the church of Christ in Acts we must act with SOLIDARITY Text for Consideration Acts
Strength Observations +the Discipleship lived on +They persevered Objective +Made a statement to other Religions +Kept focused and began to be scattered Our Acts +Invite +Setbacks will come +Emphasize ZONE To be like the church of Christ in Acts we must act with STRENGTH Text for Consideration Acts & 8.1-4
Soundness Observations +They had an issue +They remembered God’s prophetic word +They committed to resolve +They pleased God first Objective +In God is found the answer +Commit scripture to the solution +Don’t procrastinate +Be pleasing to God Our Acts +Memory +Start early To be like the church of Christ in Acts we must act with SOUNDNESS Text for Consideration Acts The Jerusalem Letter