PART 2- Development
Audience analysis- the study of specific audience for a speech Demographics- Statistics on population such as: age, race, gender, educational level, religious views. AUDIENCE ANALYSIS
Can be observed or solicited Question the person who scheduled the speech Make intelligent guesses
Gather essential audience demographic data in order to determine the majority of audience members Making predictions of the audience level of interest in, knowledge of, and attitudes towards you and your topic. Age, education, gender, occupation, income, culture.
Attitudes Beliefs Values Perspective Taking 1. Topic of speech 2. You as a speaker 3. The occasion
Audience Adaptation the active process of directing your speech material directly to a specific audience.
Target Audience A specific segment of your audience that you most want to address or influence
1st goal – predict audience interest 2nd goal- predict whether the audience has knowledge of the topic 3rd goal- predict audiences attitude towards you (their perception of your credibility)
Survey is a means of gathering information directly from people Two-sided questions yes/no or true/false response Multiple choices give the respondents choices Scaled questions scale 1-10 and so forth
Selecting A Topic & Purpose Where to begin Interests Current Events Values/Goals Issues (Review Cluster Activity)
Subject Topic Speech goal- what you want your listeners to know, believe, or do Speech material- the factual, humorous, exciting, or interesting information that you have gathered to present in your speech
General goal- the type of speech you are intending to give- informing, or persuading Specific goal- a complete sentence that specifies the exact response the speaker wants from the audience
Developing/Locating supporting material Examples Narratives Testimony Facts Statistics
Examples Brief Extended Hypothetical
Narratives Personal Anecdotes
Testimony Expert Lay
Facts/Statistics Frequency Percentages Averages
Cite sources Always cite sources both verbally & written
Locating Supporting Material Primary Research Original works Interviews Surveys Secondary Research Books Newspapers Periodicals References books Etc.
Effective Research Balance print & online sources Be critical of information Beware of Commercial factors Use credible sources Check the date of source