Selecting Your Topic & Audience Analysis
Steps to Preparing Speech-Review 1-Determine the Speech Purpose 2-Select a Topic 3-Analyze the Audience 4-Develop Main Points 5-Conduct Research and Develop Supporting Points 6-Organize and Outline 7-Practice 8-Deliver Speech
Analyzing Audience Audience analysis-Learning about the audience in order to adapt speech to their needs and appeal to them Audience Centered Approach-keeping audience in mind throughout entire speechmaking process
Audience Demographics-statistical characteristics of group –characteristics you can easily quantify. age males vs. females race/ethnicity socio-economic class Ex. 87 out of 100 members of audience are females Ex. All audience members earn an annual income of $75,000 or less Ex. Audience members range from years of age
Benefits of knowing demographics… determines target audience helps put together format/style of speech allows for audience adaptation-customizing speech to audience needs-the more you know the more you can relate to audience helps avoid stereotypes
Target audiences -distinct groups or segments of population that you are trying to reach Knowing TA will allow you to deliver message in a way that audience will respond to best Beneficial in marketing/persuasion Pandering-Abandoning views and beliefs just to please the audience-should be avoided
Researching your audience Informally-observing/asking questions beforehand Helps determine basic demographic characteristics Formally- 1-Interview- one on one / focus groups 2-Survey/Questionnaires-open or close ended 3-Published Sources-books, journals, internet
How can information about audience be used? When analyzing information, look for How audience members are similar to one another How audience members are different from one another How can you establish common ground with the audience How can you make your speech more effective to your particular audience. How can you…. Keep them interested Inform them Convince them Make them feel connected with you the speaker Include them rather than seclude them
6 basic demographic characteristics 1. Age-allows you to know interests, values and generational patterns of different age groups Aristotle noted that a good speaker knows how to adapt to audiences of different age levels.
Summary of Generational Characteristics Matures Hard work, “work is life” mentality, duty, loyalty, sacrifice, A sense of what is right, “follow the rules first and then ask why” Baby Boomers “Live to work” mentality, personal fulfillment and optimism, crusading causes, buy now pay later, everybody's right, work efficiently Generation X “Work to live” mentality, live with uncertainty, balance is important, live for today, save every job is a contract, value independence Millennials “Work for fun” mentality, close to parents, feel special, goal-oriented, team-oriented, a focus on achievement, high expectations from work, confidence and self-esteem
2. Gender- Helps avoid sexist language or remarks Make sure speech relates to whichever gender in needs to Avoids gender based assumptions-ex. Women=emotional
3. Sexual Orientation- Helps avoid stereotypes and the alienation of members of audience due to sexuality Overall allows you to be more sensitive
4. Group Membership Religious Groups, Political Groups, Work Groups, Social Groups, Service Groups
5-Socioeconomic status (income, occupation, education) Income-determines exposure to experiences and lifestyles Occupation-determines interests, attitudes, beliefs, and goals Levels of education-determines ideas, perspectives, etc..
6. Culture and ethnic background Knowing cultural differences /patterns helps avoid ethnocentrism The cultural, ethnic, or racial background of your audience influences the way they perceive your message An effective speaker adapts to differences in culture, race, and ethnicity Individualistic Cultures vs. Collectivistic Cultures High Certainty vs. Low Uncertainty High Power Distance vs. Low Power Distance Masculine vs. Feminine Long-term vs. Short-term time Orientation
Cultural Differences Individualistic Culture Cultural Characteristics Individual achievement is emphasized more than group achievement Independence important How to Adapt to these characteristics Stress the importance of individual rewards and recognition Identify how audience members will benefit from our ideas or proposals Collectivist Culture Cultural Characteristics Group or team is emphasized more than individual Sacrifice for greater good of group is common How to Adapt to these characteristics Stress importance of community values Help audience members save face and be perceived in a positive way HANDOUT