Impromptu Speaking
Feeling Put On The Spot? Click mouse to continue What’s more challenging than preparing to give a speech? How about giving a speech… without advance preparation?
The Triumphs And Terrors Of Table Topics Click mouse to continue Immediately after being given 3 topics, you will have 3 minutes to prepare a speech that is: -Organized -Coherent -Entertaining
Three Approaches To Help Click mouse to continue The Challenge Of Table Topics -Structuring a response Selecting A Strategy -Thinking of what to say Whatever You Do, Don’t… -Short list of things not to do
The Challenge Of Table Topics Click mouse to continue Requires extemporaneous response We will use it in our meetings to practice for real-life situations: -Asked/asking for directions -Answering the phone -Job interview questions -Talking to a customer
Is There A Formula? Click mouse to continue We can’t always anticipate a question’s content… Or predict when we will be asked “to give a few words” It is possible to become better prepared and confident to answer
When Giving An Impromptu Talk Click mouse to continue 1.Read/THINK about question/topic 2.Pause 3.Confirm 4.Tell 5.End! We’ll cover these points in detail
Listen: Responsibilities Click mouse to continue Don’t just read, be attentive & think Use what you read as part of your response: -Resist speaking until ready -Focus on what you want to say -Agree/disagree with question
Read-Pause-Confirm-Tell-End Click mouse to continue Give your brain a chance to refresh Adds drama Acknowledge the question/topic: -Smile - Speak clearly -No filler words (“Ah”, “Um”)
Avoid “Filler Word Click-Guilt!” Click mouse to continue
Read-Pause-Confirm-Tell-End Click mouse to continue Repeat question out loud as part of speech: -Give evaluator’s mind a chance to absorb concept -Verify the topic, in case you misunderstood the question
Read-Pause-Confirm-Tell-End Click mouse to continue Dazzle audience with your reply! Stay focused on what you say Express only the essential points in your reply
Read-Pause-Confirm-Tell-End Click mouse to continue Don’t belabor your response Bring your comments to a close: -Summarize your main point -Smile at the conclusion -Make final eye contact -Sit down!
Remember The Secret Formula Click mouse to continue 1.Read 2.Pause 3.Confirm 4.Tell 5.End!
Second Step To Help Click mouse to continue The Challenge Of Table Topics -Structuring a response Selecting A Strategy -Thinking of what to say Whatever You Do, Don’t… -Short list of things not to do
Click mouse to continue Selecting A Strategy Express an Opinion Address Cause and Effect Break the Topic into Components Discuss the Past, Present and Future We’ll cover these points in detail
Strategies: Express An Opinion Click mouse to continue State your opinion Pro/Con, justify your position: -One item of support to answer a question -Two or three items of support if responding to a speech
Strategies: Address Cause And Effect Click mouse to continue State the situation Discuss causes Align with consequences
Strategies: Break Topic Into Components Click mouse to continue Discuss each element individually Describe elements by their: -Differences -Difficulty -Relative importance
Strategies: Discuss The Past, Present, And Future Click mouse to continue Establish a timeline reference: -Assess the situation over a period of time, consider: -Benchmarks -Milestones -Historical significance
Click mouse to continue Selecting A Strategy Summary Express an Opinion Address Cause and Effect Break the Topic into Components Discuss the Past, Present and Future
Third Step To Help Click mouse to continue The Challenge Of Table Topics -Structuring a response Selecting A Strategy -Thinking of what to say Whatever You Do, Don’t… -Short list of things not to do
Click mouse to continue Whatever You Do, Don’t… Apologize -It’s annoying Ramble -Avoid verbatim repetition Invent - Be sincere and honest
What We Learned Today Click mouse to continue The Challenge Of Table Topics -Structuring a response Selecting A Strategy -Thinking of what to say Whatever You Do, Don’t… -Short list of things not to do
Click mouse to continue Wrap-up To think on your feet is a good habit to cultivate It takes time and effort to establish these habits Practice these basic concepts to accept the challenge of “Impromptu Speaking”
Outside study info Below is link to my wikispace for UIL Impromptu Speaking, use this to practice and learn outside of weekly meetings.
Click mouse to continue April 12 McLean MS