Delicious And other useful websites
What is Delicious Delicious is a social networking website that helps educators organize and share useful websites.
Why Delicious Share what you have found to be helpful Find useful websites Keep all of your and you colleagues bookmarks in one place It is easy to use
Logging in Go to Sign is as jamesfarley Password: jaf140
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Navigating Delicious Scroll down the page to see what has been saved Click the page number to see more sights Click on the website to vist
Navigating Delicious If you are looking for a specific subject or topic look at the tags on the right hand side of the screen. This will narrow your search. Click the topic you are interested it. Try it!
Adding a Bookmark In the upper right hand corner click save a new bookmark. A new screen will now pop up. Type or paste the address of the web site you wish to add. Click next.
Adding a Bookmark A space labeled notes is available. Type a description of the website in the space. Tags is another space available. Type topics that this site is related to in this space. Such as Math, ELA, Education, Photos. You can add more than one tag just be sure to add a comma after each tag.
Adding a Bookmark Now click save. Your new site has now been bookmarked and can be accessed by anyone who uses your account.
Sharing the Information It is a good idea to now send an out to colleagues that you think can benefit from this new addition to Delicious. Let them know the name of the new site, what it can be used for, and explain that you have added it to the Delicious account.
Let’s Try It Out!! Now add a website that you feel can be used by others. If you do not know of any of hand search google.
Steps Find a site Click new bookmark Type in the address Add a description Add tags colleagues
Another Way to Find Sites After each site in your account is a blue box with a number. This is the number of other Delicious users who have bookmark this site. Click that box and you will see all of the users and their accounts Chances are if you have a particular site in common with them, they may have other site that would interest you.
“Stealing Sites” Open one of the accounts that are visible from clicking the blue box. Navigate their site the same way you navigate ours. View some of site that look interesting. When you find a useful one copy the address.
“Stealing Sites” You can now add the site to our account using the same process. Instead of typing the address you can paste it.
Try it!!! Visit some sites and let’s “Steal” a few useful sites that we come across.
Networking You may find that some users have a wide variety of useful sites. Rather than add them all you can network the user. This is usually other educators or schools Currently we are networked with Willow Grove and Craig Mantin
Networking You can view the users we are networked with by clicking network on the top of our homepage. On the right hand side of the screen our networks are now visible. Now click WGMS You can now navigate their site.
Adding Networks Go to a users site, you can do this by click the blue box with the number. Now click the users name that you want to visit. On the top right hand side of the screen click add to my network. Now you will be asked to add to my network. Click yes. This user has now been added to our network. You can easily visit in the future to find other useful sites.
Let’s Try It!!! Navigate through to view other user’s accounts. When you find an educator or someone who has useful sites, add them to our network.
Steps Click blue number box Click user’s name Check out some of their sites If you want to add this users click add to my network in the upper right hand corner. Now click yes.
Let’s Visit Some of Our Sites Navigate through some of the jamesfarley sites. Determine if any of these sites are useful. Share with others what you find.
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