Chapter 9: Section 1
Protist- An organism that lives in a moist or wet habitat Contains organisms that don’t fit anywhere else! ALL PROTISTS Have a nucleus (eukaryotic) SOME PROTISTS Single celled/Many celled Make food/Consume food
Otherwise known as ALGAE All- contain chlorophyll make own food Some- Single-celled/many-celled Are not green b/c a different pigment covers chlorophyll Divided into 6 phyla according to their pigments and how they store food
Common name- Euglenas Characteristics: Single-celled Pigment is chlorophyll Stores food as carbohydrates No cell wall, but thick layer inside cell membrane Moves using flagella (whip like tail) Has an eyespot that respond to light
Common name- Diatoms Characteristics: Single-celled Stores food as oil Golden-brown pigment & chlorophyll Cell wall is a glasslike shell made from silica
Common name: Dinoflagellates Characteristics: Single-celled Stores food as oil & starch Red pigment & chlorophyll Move with 2 flagellum causing it to spin Many produce a chemical that causes them to glow!
Common name: Green Algae Characteristics: Single-celled and many-celled Store food as starch Contains only chlorophyll
Common name: Red Algae Characteristics: Most are many- celled Store food as starch Contain red pigment that absorbs minimal light
Common name: Brown Algae Characteristics: Many-celled Store food as starch Brown pigments & chlorophyll
Diatom shells are used in paints & make up (make it shiny) and toothpaste (make it abrasive) Red Algae is used in pudding and toothpaste (makes them creamy & smooth) Brown Algae is used in ice cream & marshmallows (makes thick) and is eaten in sushi & salads
A main food source for herbivores of the water Provides oxygen through photosynthesis
Otherwise known as PROTOZOA All single-celled organisms Can’t make their own food (heterotrophs) Contain special vacuoles for digesting food & ridding excess water Four phyla based on method of movement
Common name: The Amoebas Use a temporary extension of the cytoplasm called a pseudopod to: Move- extend a section out and drag forward Eat- extension surrounds the food particle (endocytosis)
Common name: Flagellates Move by whipping one or more flagella
Common name: Ciliates Move by using cilia Short threadlike fibers that beat back/forth Have two nuclei Feed through an “oral groove”
Have no way of moving on their own Only survive as a parasite Plasmodium is the protist that causes Malaria
Good- Consuming bacteria Example: Waste water treatment Bad- Disease causing Examples: African Sleeping Sickness, Malaria, dysentery (diarrhea) The amoeba that causes acute diarrhea! Trysanopoma among red blood cells in someone with Sleeping Sickness
Have features of protists and fungi ALL Reproduce using spores Obtain energy from decomposing organic materials
At times use pseudopods to move and feed like an amoeba Most of their life is spent acting like a fungus Feeding on decaying matter and producing spores
Protist like b/c reproductive spores have flagellum to move Fungus like b/c they grow as a mass of threads over a plant or animal, digest it and then absorb its nutrients