Table formats ArcGIS reads table in many formats: dBase format (shapefile) INFO format (workstation ArcInfo) Geodatabase table (MS Access in case of personal geodatabase Text file (comma or tab-delimited meaning field separated by commas )
Tables Tables contain attribute data Many formats, one interface
Table Properties
How do you display 2 tables side by side?
Fields Fields have specific types available Must be defined before use Once defined, cannot be changed
Field types in Tables Example: Name: Sue DOB: 5/15/1985 Weight: 135 lb Height: 5.7 feet SS#: TextDateShortLongBLOBFloat Sue 5/15/
Field characteristics Length –The total characters a text field can store Length = 10 Maple St. Maple Stre
Field characteristics Precision 3: 256 Precision 8: Precision 10: Scale 3:0.001 Scale 5: Precision –The total width of digits a numeric field can store Scale –The number of decimal places
Scale & Precision When defining a number field (float & double), designate a storage width (precision) and the number of decimal places (scale)
SQL Queries
What is this map showing?
How do I select all the Democratic districts?
True or False? A field named AREA in a shapefile will always have the correct area? –False. A field named AREA in a Geodatabase will always have the correct area? –False.