CERN: Plans to the future Joao Fernandes IT-UDS-AVC
1 st RCTF Meeting – 21 st March 2006Objective Following an internal discussion and considering the last RTAG 12 report, one finds a large and growing gap between LHC requirements and the current available collaborative facilities at CERN Objective: Correct and invert this situation by turning CERN videoconference rooms in High- Quality collaborative endpoints UDS - AVC
1 st RCTF Meeting – 21 st March 2006 Current Status (I) 16 rooms/auditoria installed -7 H.323 Polycom endpoint based -9 PC based ( with old obsolete H.323/IDSN client software) -4! more projected (H.323 based): - CMS Tracker in Bldg. 28; 40-RB-10 also requested by CMS - TOTEM room in Bldg AB division room request in Prevessin Both point2point and multipoint videoconference -VRVS/EVO ( ~ 80% of the total meetings) -point2point and ESnet MCU (20%) -ISDN multipoint disappeared; ISDN point2point almost -HERMES service in production since Jan 06 Manpower at UDS-AVC -1 FTE (20%) -1 technical staff retiring soon -1 Outsourced Data-aid for assistance to users in VC rooms -1 Caltech Project Associate responsible for VRVS/EVO production and integration UDS - AVC
1 st RCTF Meeting – 21 st March 2006 Current Status (II) Meetings Number for HEP Collaborations up to Jan 31 st, 2006 (VRVS only) Collaboration (keyword) CMS ATLAS LHC GLAST D PHOBOS CLEO KOPIO ALICE46129 *2 weekly meetings a year would represent roughly 100 meetings! **Computing, Networking and Grid projects (i. e. EGEE) not taken into account on the table Some statistics () Some statistics ( based on meeting keyword title ) current resources are not increased for more than 4 years! Insufficient for the upcoming needs and major facility upgrade! UDS - AVC
1 st RCTF Meeting – 21 st March 2006 Our Dream (I) GOAL: Turn CERN videoconference rooms in High-Quality Collaborative Endpoints, Self-Service with a Simple Setup As result, reduce at the minimum the operator intervention Video & Audio conference (1) -Find an integrated and simple solution -H.323 based with SIP support -Full compatibility with the multipoint platforms used at CERN (VRVS/EVO, EsNet MCU and the new HERMES MCU service) -One unique integrated solution for video, audio and data sharing -The same unique solution for phone conference (collaboration with CS group for PABX usage for phone conference) UDS - AVC
1 st RCTF Meeting – 21 st March 2006 Our Dream (II) Automate the most the videoconference room equipment (2) -CMF for the room NICE PCs -Acquisition of a framework for endpoint management (TMS from Tandberg under study) - for endpoint management (central software update, troubleshooting, etc.) - monitoring, booking and Statistics - Good flexibility (Webservices API) and possibility to manage almost any device that understands SNMP -Investigate the integration possibilities of this framework with the relevant CERN systems (Indico Outlook) -Include also local projection equipment in the automation when relevant UDS - AVC
1 st RCTF Meeting – 21 st March 2006 Our Dream (III) Focus on the local facility (3) -Investigate the recommendations from vendors for local acoustic and lightning conditions (may include carpeting, painting, etc.) -Compulsory local equipment (NICE PC, 2 projectors or LCD/Plasma screens) -NICE PC compulsory for data sharing in all the collaborative platforms - has to be seen as part of the endpoint core setup; placed where users can really use it! -Possibility of having the audio system integrated with codec endpoint to significantly reduce the efforts of installation/integration in the local facility - up to now there is a significant effort of installation/integration by the technicians as a consequence of purchasing the videoconference stations and peripherals (projectors, auxiliary cameras, etc. ) each from the cheapest provider. UDS - AVC
1 st RCTF Meeting – 21 st March 2006 Extension to Related Activities Desktop VC -Investigate the video/audio hardware solutions on the market -Testing of videoconference desktop clients/applications -Standardize the obtained results and distribute it in CERN stores -Centrally support the chosen standard (for Windows, Linux and Mac) Audioconference -Find an unique solution for videoconference and phone conference -Close collaboration with IT/CS PABX service Webcast -Study of the replacement/improvement of the existing CERN webcasting infrastructure UDS - AVC
1 st RCTF Meeting – 21 st March 2006 New Plan CERN PABX service H.323 H.323 or SIP Point2point Messenger PSTN CERN Integrated Collaborative Facility (Audio, Video & Data sharing) HERMES, EsNet or other H.323 MCU services SIP VRVS/EVO UDS - AVC
1 st RCTF Meeting – 21 st March 2006 What we are already doing (I) Forming RCTF (Remote Collaboration Task Force) with the representatives of the Experiments -Financial support needed -Manpower needed -Discussion of the direction to take Close contact with the main vendors in the market (Tandberg, Polycom and Aethra) -detailed analysis of the endpoint proposals -find a solution that meets the quality of service needed and the budget limitations for each case, taking into account the requirements established UDS - AVC
1 st RCTF Meeting – 21 st March 2006 What we are already doing (II) Technical specification for standard room -First Target room refurbished (Atlas 40-4C) will be ready at the end of April Test and validate the selected model (1-3 moths period time to “try before buy”) Testing of Desktop VC equipment -Major HW improvements have been done the last few months pushed by the VoiceOverIP market (ex. Skype and others) -List of recommended Desktop VC hardware (webcams/headsets) and software clients (Polycom PVX) already sent to CERN stores -Hardware recommended for all the platforms (Windows, Linux and Mac) -New USB computer speakerphones with echo cancellation and noise suppression tested with very good results (also a very good alternative for small rooms) UDS - AVC
1 st RCTF Meeting – 21 st March 2006 What should be the next steps (I) Make the same technical preliminary approach for auditoria -Audio in general is the most critical part -Audio setups are necessarily different for larger rooms and further testing is needed Adopt a management framework flexible, scalable and of easy integration -to finally have a consistent tool for overall management and statistics -Evaluate the integration scenarios with CERN systems Start endpoint test with PABX system -To find an unique system for both video and audio conference -In general increase the collaboration with IT/CS UDS - AVC
1 st RCTF Meeting – 21 st March 2006 Next Steps (II) Provide Indico with a integrated room booking facility -VRVS/EVO booking API already included; HERMES booking API in development; CERN PABX integration also projected -in the future replace CRBS by an Indico Module for room booking Review all the online documentation -standardization with IT website made at the end of 2005 Tutorials for the new systems when in place -not only for users but also for the internal staff and room operators -Provide dynamic and intuitive Tutorials (using Camtasia Tool) UDS - AVC
1 st RCTF Meeting – 21 st March 2006Conclusions Collaborative tools start to be a topic of growing importance -CERN situation starts to be critical -People starts to realize that CERN collaborative tools have to be prioritized CERN facilities refurbishment costs! -Probably not significant when compared to LHC collaborations costs due to absence or inadequacy of facilities -A Major Upgrade needs both financial and manpower resources UDS - AVC
1 st RCTF Meeting – 21 st March 2006Future What should be the future of remote collaboration? UDS - AVC
1 st RCTF Meeting – 21 st March 2006 UDS - AVC Questions?