Street Smart Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Campaign: Spring 2007 Campaign, Proposed Actions for FY 2008 Item #12: Briefing to the Transportation Planning.


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Presentation transcript:

Street Smart Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Campaign: Spring 2007 Campaign, Proposed Actions for FY 2008 Item #12: Briefing to the Transportation Planning Board May 16, 2007 Michael Farrell, TPB Staff Item #12

2 The “Street Smart” Campaign Annual, month-long wave of Radio, Transit, and Internet advertising designed to change driver and pedestrian behavior Prime target audience is male drivers age 18 to 34 Supported by federal funds through the states plus local funds All materials ran in English and Spanish Five previous waves: October 2002, April 2004, June 2005, March-April 2006, March 18 – April Kick-off press event took place March 20 at Thomas Circle

3 Most Recent (FY 2007) Media Campaign: March-April 2007 Radio for Drivers (targeted stations) 600 spots $72,000 Transit for Pedestrians (targeted locations) 117,000 –Transit Shelters35 –Bus Sides200 –Interior Cards500 Collateral Materials 24,000 –Posters3,400 –Handouts60,000 Internet – Young Male Driver2.4 million impressions 32,000 Web Site 5,000 Public Relations 12,000 Campaign Creation/Production 92,000 Evaluation/Administration 46,000 Total:$400,000




7 Coordination with Law Enforcement COG Police Chiefs Committee agreed at its January 24, 2006 meeting to coordinate law enforcement efforts with the Spring 2007 campaign Fifteen Law Enforcement agencies are distributing 50,000 pedestrian safety hand-outs, many as warnings to motorists or pedestrians Agencies will be polled after the event to determine the number of pedestrian-related citations and warnings issued during the campaign period.

8 Proposed for FY 2008: A Biannual Effort; Fall 2007 & Spring 2008 TPB members have suggested that we expand the program Proposed: Two campaigns –November 2007, around return to Standard Time, use current materials –March 2008, new materials Need additional funds for a bi-annual effort –Estimated $600,000 cost for two 2-3 week campaigns –Current budget is $400,000 Sources –Federal funds from Maryland Highway Safety Office, Virginia DMV, DDOT –WMATA will provide $150,000 for FY 2008 –Private sponsorship –Increased TPB member contributions

9 TPB Member Funding for FY 2008 TPB has requested voluntary annual funding from its local government member jurisdictions for the campaign Suggested level of 5 cents per capita 8% of funds retained to cover administrative expenses A table of suggested contributions was sent to the members of the TPB on February 28, 2007, with a cover letter and an annual report Response was requested by July 1 st, Total requested local funding is $207,800


11 Street Smart Funding History, As of 04/04/2007 SourceOct-02Apr-04Jun-05Mar-06Mar-07 District of Columbia Department of Transportation * $100,000 DC Metropolitan Police Department** 80,000 30,000 Maryland SHA* 115, ,000 58,000 50,000100,100 Virginia DMV* 100,000 75,000100,00075,000 Total Federal315,000300,000313,000250,000305,100 TPB Member Contributions100,00090,00080,00091,300113,700 Honda North America (private sponsor) 10,000 Grand Total$415,000$390,000$393,000$341,300$428,800 * Federal pass-through, **No agreement signed with DCMPD for FY 2007 Street Smart Funding History,

12 TPB Member Government Local Contributions SourceOct-02Apr-04Jun-05Mar-06Mar-07 City of Alexandria$5,000 $6,800 Arlington County 10,000 10,100 City of Bowie Charles County, urbanized area City of College Park City of Fairfax 1,100 City of Falls Church 500 Fairfax County50,000 52,800 Frederick County City of Gaithersburg City of Greenbelt 500 Loudoun County City of Manassas City of Manassas Park 700 Montgomery County45,00010,000 40,600 Prince George's County 15,0005,000 Prince William County City of Rockville 2,900 City of Takoma Park 900 Total Local$100,000$90,000$80,000$91,300$113,700

13 Funding Status for FY 2008 TPB MemberSuggested ContributionCommitted Alexandria$6,800 Arlington$10,200$20,400* Manassas Park$700 Montgomery County$40,600 Rockville$2,900 WMATAN/A$150,000 Arlington has offered to double its requested amount for FY 2008 to $20,400, provided other s also increase their contributions Loudoun County has indicated that it will not participate Other TPB members have not yet provided written responses Local Funding commitments for Fall 2007 needed by July 2007 * Conditional

14 Outlook The program is a good value –Survey results show good levels of campaign awareness, changed motorist & pedestrian behavior –Budget has remained roughly the same since 2002, but free public service spots and press coverage have increased Law enforcement participation has increased Two campaigns per year would have more impact than one Desirable to have a November campaign due to increase in pedestrian deaths with return to Standard Time