Egyptian art and architecture. Pottery jar from Hierakonpolis 3500—3400 BCE.


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Presentation transcript:

Egyptian art and architecture

Pottery jar from Hierakonpolis 3500—3400 BCE

3 periods of prosperity Old Kingdom ( BCE) Middle Kingdom ( BCE) New Kingdom ( BCE)

Sign and symbols of Upper and Lower Egypt Upper Egypt –Horus (falcon god) –White tall conical crown Lower Egypt –Papyrus plant –Red crown with cobra attached

Palette of Narmer (c BC)

King Menes (Narmer) Unification of Upper and Lower Egypt in c BCE

The canon of proportions


Underground Burial Chambers

Djoser’s Funerary Complex 2681—2662 BCE

Funerary Temple

Pyramids of Menkaure, Khafre, and Khufu at Giza (c BC)

Plan of pyramids

Khufu’s boat

Khafre’s Valley Temple

How a pyramid was constructed

Ka statue of Khafre from Giza

The Sphinx (c BC)

Menkaure and his Queen (c BC)

Pepy II and His Mother, Queen Merye-ankhnes

Seated Scribes

Ti Watching a Hippopotamus Hunt

Kahun Layout

Senwosret III

Ramses II and Obelisk

Hatshepsut Tuthmose I (father) Tuthmose II (brother) Tuthmose III Senenmut

Hatshepsut as Sphinx and with beard

Hatshepsut’s funerary temple at Deir-el-Bahri (c BC)

The Temple of Ramses at Abu Simbel

Akhenaten King Amenhotep IV Adopted a religious system based on a single god (monotheistic) Primary god: Aten (the sun disk) Changed name to Akhenaten Amarna style art

Son of Amenhotep III and Queen Tiy Changed name from Amenhotep IV to Akhenaten:“He who is of service to Aten”

Nefertiti (c BC)

The daughters of Akhenaten

Akhenaten and Nefertiti and their Children (c BC)

Queen Tiy Mother of Akhenaten

Fish-shaped vase (glass)

Howard Carter entering the tomb of Tutankhamen


These things are important Signs and symbols of Upper and Lower Egypt Palette of Narmer Representation of the Human Figure Canon of proportions Mastaba Funerary temples Pyramids of Giza Kahun Term: “Pharaoh” Hypostyle hall Peristyle Ramses II’s obelisks Sunken relief King Tut