Leading up to Confederation
Canada: 1791
Canada 1825
Family Compact (Upper Canada) Small group of men who dominated the government until the 1830s. It was given this nickname as any were supposed to be related or connected through marriage Their resistance to reform helped to provoke the Rebellions of 1837 to 1838 They did not regain power after the rebellions Anyone who demanded more power for the elected assembly were branded as radicals.
Chateau Clique (Lower Canada) The nickname given to a small group of men who held most of the power in Lower Canada until the 1830s. They were friends and acquaintances of the governor The received special jobs and appointments from him to the Legislative and Executive Councils as well as important positions Most were English speaking businessmen who favoured policies that helped their own business interests rather than those of the majority.
Key Causes of the Rebellion of 1837 People were unhappy with the way the government was being run There was favourtism in the selection of the Council members, and this directly affected how decisions would be made (suiting the needs of the Family Compact and Chateau Clique) French were becoming more uncomfortable with the growing English Population.
Rebellion in Lower Canada Mass protests followed the announcement of the Russell Revolutions Papineau had the support of the habitant farmers and he roamed the countryside rousing the people with speeches. Early in November, 1837, there was rioting in Montreal and on November 16, soldiers began arresting the Patriote leaders. Papineau escaped to the village of St. Denis, northeast of Montreal
Louis Joseph Papineau
Rebellion in Upper Canada Mackenzie established links with the Patrioes of Lower Canada, and began plotting to take over the government in 1837 The outbreak in Lower Canada spurred him into action He gathered with his supporters to Montgomery’s Tavern, just north of Toronto
Montgomery’s Tavern
Armed Protest? According to Mackenzie, the gathering was intended to be an armed protest march down Yonge St. The protestors carried arms for self-defence only. A group of Loyalists led by Colonel Moodie attempted to ride through the protestors to warn the governor and fired a shot over the heads of the protestors The rebels retaliated and Colonial Moodie was shot dead
Results of the Rebellions After the rebellions in Upper and Lower Canada had been put down, and the leaders jailed, executed or exiled, the British government decided to investigate the causes of the rebellions Lord Durham was asked to oversee this, and his
Durham Report 1.Upper and Lower Canada should be united. - “vain attempt to preserve a French Canadian Nationality” - wanted to assimilate the French into the English 2.The government of the colony should have the power in the hands of the elected assembly. -Representative government was not working, funds should be decided by the Legislative Assembly 3.Municipal governments should be created for towns. - Give people control over their own affairs. So that Lower Canada was not stuck with a government system they did not understand.
Durham Report 4. Eventually all of British North America should be united. - Proposed a legislative and federal system of government. (Federal would only control matters important to all provinces. 5. Solve the Absentee Landlord Problem in P.E.I - This was not solved until Confederation
Understand this! Rebellions of 1837 impacted Canada by changing the way the political system was run. The people were given more power. This paved the way for how the government would be run in Canada when it became a country. This was one of three rebellions fought on Canadian soil. The other two we will discuss later on this year.
Canada: 1791
Canada 1825
Canada 1862