Modeling & Simulation (AFAMS) Col Lou “Spanky” Olinto


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Presentation transcript:

Modeling & Simulation (AFAMS) Col Lou “Spanky” Olinto Air Force Agency for Modeling & Simulation (AFAMS) Col Lou “Spanky” Olinto Commander, AFAMS

State of the US Air Force Priorities Global War on Terror (GWOT) Support our Airmen Recapitalize and Modernize the Force Our vision is to be “The Air Force Center for Modeling and Simulation excellence delivering realistic, reusable, and cost-effective tools for operations, training, analysis, and acquisition support - ensuring the contributions of air, space & cyberspace power are accurately represented for the Joint Warfighter.” The Air Force priorities of supporting the global war on terrorism, recapitalization of aging aircraft, and personnel growth all benefit from the tools provided by modeling and simulation. 2

State of the US Air Force Global War on Terror Air, Space, and Cyberspace warfighters are in the fight – not just in Iraq and Afghanistan, but globally OIF / OEF – A-10s, F-16s, F-15Es, JSTARS, AWACS, KC-135s, Predators, etc In Lieu Off (ILO) missions Horn of Africa Philippines / Indonesia UAVs (global operations) Airlift (global operations) Space (global support) Operation Noble Eagle Our vision is to be “The Air Force Center for Modeling and Simulation excellence delivering realistic, reusable, and cost-effective tools for operations, training, analysis, and acquisition support - ensuring the contributions of air, space & cyberspace power are accurately represented for the Joint Warfighter.” The Air Force priorities of supporting the global war on terrorism, recapitalization of aging aircraft, and personnel growth all benefit from the tools provided by modeling and simulation. 3

State of the US Air Force Support our Airmen Personnel our most valuable resource Support families Large airmen reductions ~30,000 enlisted ~12,000 officer Education / Training high priorities Our vision is to be “The Air Force Center for Modeling and Simulation excellence delivering realistic, reusable, and cost-effective tools for operations, training, analysis, and acquisition support - ensuring the contributions of air, space & cyberspace power are accurately represented for the Joint Warfighter.” The Air Force priorities of supporting the global war on terrorism, recapitalization of aging aircraft, and personnel growth all benefit from the tools provided by modeling and simulation. 4

State of the US Air Force Recapitalize and Modernize the Force Average age of Air Force aircraft is 24 years KC-135 refueling tankers average 46 years More than 800 aircraft currently grounded (14%) Need for 381 F-22s, Congress funded 183 Gen (R) Barry McCaffrey – next administration must fix the Air Force condition “or we will place the American people in enormous peril” Our vision is to be “The Air Force Center for Modeling and Simulation excellence delivering realistic, reusable, and cost-effective tools for operations, training, analysis, and acquisition support - ensuring the contributions of air, space & cyberspace power are accurately represented for the Joint Warfighter.” The Air Force priorities of supporting the global war on terrorism, recapitalization of aging aircraft, and personnel growth all benefit from the tools provided by modeling and simulation. 5

It’s more than just M&S….. It’s LVC State of AFAMS Facilitate the appropriate representation of air, space and cyberspace in M&S Promote integration of Live, Virtual and Constructive (LVC) assets throughout the Air Force Orchestrate and provide Air Force LVC support for OSD, Joint and Coalition training Ensure personnel have the appropriate M&S skills, experience and training to support Air Force missions Our vision is to be “The Air Force Center for Modeling and Simulation excellence delivering realistic, reusable, and cost-effective tools for operations, training, analysis, and acquisition support - ensuring the contributions of air, space & cyberspace power are accurately represented for the Joint Warfighter.” The Air Force priorities of supporting the global war on terrorism, recapitalization of aging aircraft, and personnel growth all benefit from the tools provided by modeling and simulation. It’s more than just M&S….. It’s LVC

Air Force Training Challenges 5th Generation Fighters JTAC Training Fuel Prices Networks/Security Range Limitations Joint/Coalition Space Integration Our vision is to be “The Air Force Center for Modeling and Simulation excellence delivering realistic, reusable, and cost-effective tools for operations, training, analysis, and acquisition support - ensuring the contributions of air, space & cyberspace power are accurately represented for the Joint Warfighter.” The Air Force priorities of supporting the global war on terrorism, recapitalization of aging aircraft, and personnel growth all benefit from the tools provided by modeling and simulation. Each challenge requires integrated LVC

Air Force Training Solutions Western Range Integration JTC TRS AFSERS / MUSE CSER Convoy Trainer Our vision is to be “The Air Force Center for Modeling and Simulation excellence delivering realistic, reusable, and cost-effective tools for operations, training, analysis, and acquisition support - ensuring the contributions of air, space & cyberspace power are accurately represented for the Joint Warfighter.” The Air Force priorities of supporting the global war on terrorism, recapitalization of aging aircraft, and personnel growth all benefit from the tools provided by modeling and simulation. Each solution requires integrated LVC

Summary Leading the charge for LVC in the USAF – leverage the activities of Team Orlando to accomplish training objectives Working with Air Force Warfighting Center to fully integrate Western Test Ranges in support of Joint and Coalition training Working with JFCOM on Joint LVC Strategic Plan to assure LVC capabilities are fully integrated across the Services Partnering with Team Orlando (government / industry / academia) is a priority – we are playing catch-up and need your help to maximize efficiency and effectiveness of Air Force LVC

Advancing Air Force M&S AFAMS Advancing Air Force M&S To Support the Warfighter Have got folks deployed to far corners of the globe embroiled in operational contingencies, peace-keeping initiatives and humanitarian efforts. M&S should allows us to train and mission preview faster, cheaper, safer, with less wear and tear on equipment, and allows all this in a non-lethal environment.