1 Mid-Bay Bridge Authority System Primary Asset is a 3.6 mile segmental bridge that spans from Destin, Florida to Niceville, Florida
2 Geographic Location
3 System Improvements Danny Wuerffel Way Widening & US 98 Intersection Improvements Completed in Spring 02 Bridge Toll Plaza Expansions Completed Aug 99 & May 07 Walter Francis Spence Parkway Concept approved by USAF from Bridge to SR 85 in Dec 06 Environmental Assessment Approved Dec 08 Phase 1: Apr 09 - May 11 Mid-Bay Bridge to Range Road SR 20 Widening/Back Access Rd 3 miles; 2 interchanges…$38.3M Phases 2/3: Feb 11 – Jan 14 Range Road to SR 285 / SR 85 8 Miles; 3 Interchanges; 5 Stream Crossings…$98.8M Spence Parkway - PHASE 3 SR 285 to SR 85 Spence Parkway - PHASE 3 SR 285 to SR 85 Spence Parkway - PHASE 1 Toll Booth Plaza to Range Road Spence Parkway - PHASE 1 Toll Booth Plaza to Range Road Spence Parkway - PHASE 2 Range Road to SR 285 Spence Parkway - PHASE 2 Range Road to SR 285 Toll Plaza Expansions Danny Wuerffel Way Expansion From US 98 to Mid-Bay Bridge
4 Spence Parkway Grade Separated Interchanges
5 Spence Parkway Stream Crossings 5
6 Spence Parkway All-Electronic Toll Gantry
7 Partnering Creating partnerships of trust with the regional resource agencies, the Florida Department of Transportation, and local communities were instrumental
8 Air Force Cooperation With the exception of a small segment, the entire alignment is located on Eglin AFB The Authority was required to pay Fair Market Value directly to Eglin for the Spence Parkway ROW, with the transaction following the terms of an Enhanced Use Lease (EUL) The total ROW costs were $30.5 Million which at one point was the largest Value Based Transaction in the US Air Force System Mid-Bay Bridge Connector (Opening Early Spring 2014) Mid-Bay Bridge Connector (Opening Early Spring 2014)
9 Okaloosa Darter Recovery The Mid-Bridge Authority has completed three major stream restorations, eight major stream crossings on Eglin AFB, and one county road bridge replacement to improve Okaloosa Darter Habitat Based on the Authority’s restoration projects and in partnership with the USFWS and the USAF, the Darter has been down-listed from an Endangered Species to a Threatened species The Authority was recognized by the USFWS as a partner on the sustainable development of transportation project development