18 June 20031Integration Review B. Schmidt Outline: Overview of the support structures Requirements –Some details on electronics, cabling and piping Constraints from cohabitation with LHC cryogenics Baseline Layout –Summary of modifications since the Installation Review –Short overview of present layout –Envelopes and clearances Next steps and conclusions Muon System Support Structures
13 March 20032Installation Review B. Schmidt Components: 1.General support structure for racks and chamber support 2.Movable platforms 3.Chamber support structure (not visible) 4.Muon chambers 5.Electronics and gas racks Overview
18 June 20033Integration Review B. Schmidt Some general points: For M2-M chambers (each about 25 kg), electronics racks and 4 gas racks have to be supported. The total weight for the stations amounts to about 20t per side, to which the weight of the support structures has to be added (about 20t ). Electronics racks have to be positioned in a maximum distance from the chambers of 10-12m, due to the LVDS links used. Access to chambers and electronics should be appropriate and conform to CERN safety rules in the installation and maintenance phase of the experiment. Enough clearance should be left between the filters and the chambers to allow safe retraction of the support structures. Requirements
18 June 20034Integration Review B. Schmidt Comments: LV-and HV systems not well defined yet; crate estimate is best guess Rack estimate based on assumption that five 6U crates can be fit into a rack Muon Electronics Numerology
18 June 20035Integration Review B. Schmidt How do standard racks look like? Turbine (4U) Crates (6U) Ventilation (2U) Heat-Exchanger (1-2U) Deflector (2U) ->Standard rack 56U (2.55m) ->Rack equipped with 5 6U crates: 5*8U+5*2U+4U+2U=56U Muon Electronics Racks: Layout
18 June 20036Integration Review B. Schmidt How many cables go in/out of a rack ? M1: pair LVDS links + LV-HV cables + I 2 C connection M2,M3: pair LVDS links + LV-HV cables + I 2 C connection M4,M5: pair LVDS links + LV-HV cables + I 2 C connection Space required by LVDS–links only: M1:~200cm 2 M2+M3:~250cm 2 ( not enough ! ) M4+M5:~100 cm 2 -> Space available in the side-shafts of a rack: ~ 150 cm 2 + ~80 cm 2 ->No additional space available for HV and LV and I 2 C cables ->If radiation allows, power-supplies will be in the back doors of the racks ->More studies are required to define details ! Muon Electronics Racks: Cables
18 June 20037Integration Review B. Schmidt Detector Internal Cable Routing Cables run horizontally in the rows between the chambers
18 June 20038Integration Review B. Schmidt # Twisted Pairs/Quad. Station 1 Station 2Station 3Station 4 Station 5Sum Row 0 (right) Row 0 (left) Row Row Row Row Row Sum Comments: Things are tight, but look ok up to now -> up to 360 twisted pairs on a cross section of about 30cm 2 -> We consider a shielded twisted pair cable with 8 pairs and a cross section of 0.5 cm 2 -> 22.5 cm 2 Length of LVDS links should be not more than 10m LV, HV and I 2 C have still to be added Cable Routing: some Numbers
18 June 20039Integration Review B. Schmidt Lines 2+3 Lines 4+5 Lines 6+7 Lines 8+9 Gas pipes run vertically in the free space behind columns of chambers 18 lines/halfstation 9 lines/quadrant 9 lines upstream resp. downstream of support structure Detector Internal Gas System Piping Line 1
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt Concept: Lower and middle platforms are foreseen for the electronics racks and LV/HV distribution Upper rack for gas distribution Access to the platforms is foreseen from the downstream side of the experiment ->Access needs to be discussed with LHC-Cryogenics-people and TIS Rack Position of M2-M5 2.2m 3.0m FEE Gas
11Integration Review B. Schmidt Constraints Compromise arranged with Cryo-Group in summer 2001
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt Constraints come basically from cohabitation with LHC cryogenics Important to share some infrastructure, such as stair cases to access platforms Cohabitation with LHC Cryogenics
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt View from behind the experiment Cohabitation with LHC Cryogenics
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt Removable platform LHC cryogenics platform Platform MF3 MF2 MF1 Cohabitation with LHC Cryogenics Electronics Racks
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt Old Layout (Inst.Rev.):New baseline layout: Comparison of Old and New Layouts
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt Space for electronics racks for M2+M3 was extremely tight Space for cables in the racks was extremely tight ->Add 1-2 electronic racks for M2/M3 -> This implies that the two independent platforms for M2+M3 and M4+M5 have to be merged into one + Improves the mechanical stability of the system +Simplifies relative alignment of the stations M2-M5 - Work on M2-M5 is incompatible with work on HCAL PMTs - We have to introduce enough clearance to avoid accidents when the half stations are moved 6m long platforms (for M5) and 6m width of MF3 are incompatible with the available space on the cryogenics side -> Use shorter platforms -> Shorten slightly muon filter MF3 (from 300mrad to 290mrad) Problem with total weight hanging from the gantry (2 x ~32t) Problem with seismic stability -> Try to support everything from the ground floor Modifications since the Installation Review
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt Summary of modifications: Only one block for M2-M5 Space for 2 more racks Shorter MF3 and shorter platforms Everything is supported from the ground Support Structures
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt Support Structures Front- and Side-View:
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt General Support Structure Zoom on the top part: The structure will move on rails mounted on the muon filter
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt General Support Structure Zoom on bottom part: The support structure will use the same rails as the chariots for the muon filter. It is planed to use also the same traction system -> Simplifies significantly the overall design
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt New M2-M5 Support structures
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt Concept: Movable platforms will be used for chamber installation and maintenance wherever possible (stations M2-M5). The platforms are guided by rails which are fixed on the muon filter and the support structure. The platforms will have a width of ~60cm. Chambers will be mounted on both sides of the support structure in parallel (to balance the load) Movable Platforms
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt Concept: Structure comes in pieces of full length (5-6m) and ~2m height (weight ~180kg) It will be assembled in situ Chamber Support Structures Prototype: 2mm Al sheet (or Fe ?) Corrugated Al We plan to reduce The thickness to 24mm. Feasible?
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt Concept: Chamber size and weight is such that they can be maneuvered and installed by 2-3 people, using the movable platforms ->No crane required Balconies on support structure allow to obtain the required alignment (±1mm) Chamber Fixation and Installation Space for Cabling Top hook Chamber base
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt Envelopes and Clearances: Total space for one station along z: 1200mm (820mm envelope for muon filter (including boardings, 360mm chambers, 20mm clearance Chamber envelope in thickness has been defined to 75mm. 8mm are left for clearance (important when half-stations move in/out) Guide for support structure is needed to ensure that the half-stations move into their correct position Chamber overlap between half-stations 380mm 28mm 75mm 10mm 8mm
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt Installation Sequence: 1.Mounting of the general support structure for racks and chamber support 2.Installation of electronics and gas racks and connection to general services (gas, power, cooling) 3.Installation of movable platforms for the following installation steps: 1.Mounting of Chamber support structure 2.Internal detector piping, cable trays and cabling 3.Installation of muon chambers (half-station by half- station), starting from the side towards the shielding wall 4.Off-Detector electronics installation Muon Detector Installation
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt Resources: General support structure will be mounted by the LHCb experimental area team in January/February 2005 The crane will be heavily used during that time -> 20 man weeks Chamber support structure and cable trays will be installed by about 4 technicians from LNF between March and May > 40 man weeks Support Structure Installation
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt Work to be done: Drawings: CERN (Pierre Jouvel): –Finalize study of general support structure 1 month –Production drawings for general support structure5 months LNF (Antonio Batisti, only part time (50%)) : – Production drawings of chamber support structure6 months Calculations (Joao Batista): –Stability studies on general support structure1.5 months Support Structure Preparation
18 June Integration Review B. Schmidt A possible solution for the M2-M5 integration has been sorted out, taking into account: –the system requirements –the space constraints –safety aspects (seismic stability of the system and aspects related to work on platforms at height) ->Despite some drawbacks, present solution is very appealing and agreed upon within the muon group. Manpower resources to finish drawings in time are insufficient. ->Part of the production drawings have to be done outside. No resources available for integration work of station M1 ! Conclusions