Failure Mode & Effects Analysis Tool to identify & characterize potential failures Can be used for product or process Example: Self cleaning feature on Thermador oven
Step 1 Identify parts w.r.t. related function Example: Screw – fasten part A to part B Shaft – rotate part C
Step 2 Identify Potential Failure Modes Example Part Pot. Failure Mode Screw loose, stripped thread, damaged head, corroded Shaft bent, scored, fractured, seized, worn, excessive vibration
Step 2 Consider how function of part transforms/ transfers Look at: Matter Energy Information Look at: Engineering specs Functional decomposition Detail/assembly drawings Test results
Examples of Failure Modes Mechanical Fracture (break) Buckle (local or general) Bend / distort Plastic deformation Bind / seize Vibrate / resonate Delaminate Wear / Galling / Fretting Corrode Electrical Short circuit / low resistance Open circuit / high resistance Chemical Thermal
Step 3 Identify the potential effect of the failure mode and rank it’s SEVERITY
Step 4 Determine possible / potential causes of each failure mode Excessive Vibration High unbalance Low stiffness Operation at resonance Low damping High damping Excessive Wear High speed High load Inappropriate material pair Misalignment
Step 5 Estimate the likelihood / probability of OCCURRENCE
Step 6 Identify design activities / controls / testing procedures to validate the design or detect defects in design or manufacturing
Step 7 Estimate the likelihood that the control actions taken in Step 6 will DETECT each cause of failure
Step 8 Calculate the Risk Priority Number for each failure mode RPN = (S)(O)(D)
Step 9 Construct recommendations Take actions
Step 10 After implementing changes, reassess the Severity, Occurrence, and Detectability. Recalculate the RPN
Troubleshoot a High RPN Severity is high Product redesign is likely to be required Probability is high Focus on control actions Defect rate is high Implement better testing, or redesign to prevent / reduce defect occurring