Aquatic GAP program in Kansas Keith Gido, Walter Dodds, Chris Guy, Jessica Kemp, and Bob Oakes Kansas State University The Gap Analysis Program
Provide a framework for mapping and analyzing aquatic ecosystems Develop methods for categorizing aquatic habitats based on watershed and valley segment characteristics Identify at-risk systems and elements Identify opportunities for cooperative conservation and restoration Build on existing cooperator activities and serve as an integrating program Objectives of Aquatic GAP
Basin wide Inventory and Mapping for the Missouri River
Species Distributions by Valley Segments Valley Segment Datalayer Predicted Species Distributions by Valley Segments Habitat Affinity Database Protection Level of Valley Segments Land use Water Quality General Methods
National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Valley Segment Classification
National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Valley Segment Classification
National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Valley Segment Classification Temperature Stream size Permanence of flow Gradient Geology Floodplain reach
National Hydrography Dataset (NHD) Species Distributions KDWP Stream Survey Museum Records KDH&E Surveys Misc. Surveys by State, Federal, and Academic Institutions
Recorded occurrences of spotted bass Building a relational database between valley segments and biotic elements + Valley segment characteristics = Predicted occurrences of spotted bass
Potential Uses of GAP in Kansas Identify priority watersheds Clean Water Act Review of impact studies Stream lease program Education Ecological research Integration of physical, chemical, and biotic data from various agencies and institutions
Final Product User-friendly web site for easy access