Advising the College Millennial.. and their Parents Eller College of Management Cindy Elliott Academic Advisor
Understanding Millennials Conformity vs. critical thinking skills Parents will be involved in most decisions Use technology for independence: Parents don’t understand it Learning preferences include groupwork, experiential activities, structure, and technology
Understanding Millennials Multitasking is a way of life No tolerance for delays Don’t want to put in dues, want rewards now Trust authority Expect rules to be clear and enforced High ambitions, no clear life plan Unrealistic expectations of college work
How Parents are Involved In constant communication with student Protective relationship with child Student time managers: reminding student of homework deadlines, upcoming exams, or class registration Step in to handle situations for student: roommate issues, registration, issues with professors Contact 24/7 – parents react to emotional conversations with students
Working with Parents: Provide good customer service Practice patience and understanding Hear the parent out Don’t take commentary personally Clarify the issues Share information about UA policies Talk to involved staff and student Gather and share information without bias
Working with Parents: Provide good customer service Frame conversation for student success Reiterate advisor and parent want best for student Be empathetic, but not apologetic Stay calm; focus on student responsibility Don’t attempt to interpret family dynamics Encourage student-parent communication
Advising Millennials Step by step guidance: help student think through options critically Help students develop decision making skills Give structured feedback Help student understand how their educational and career goals align Tolerate technology use
Advising Millennials Help student learn to advocate for themselves Balance student aspirations with parent expectations Be consistent in advising procedures Develop communication channel with parents-webpage, newsletter
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