FOCM 2002 QUESTION What is ‘foundations of computational mathematics’?
FOCM 2002 COMPRESSION - ENCODING DATA SET Image Signal Surface BIT STREAM Function f B(f)=(B 1,…,B n )
FOCM 2002 COMPRESSION - ENCODING f B(f)=(B 1,…,B n )
FOCM 2002 Who’s Algorithm is Best? Test examples? Heuristics? Fight it out? Clearly define problem (focm)
FOCM 2002 Model “Real Images” Metric “Human Visual System” Stochastic Mathematical Metric Deterministic Lp Norms Smoothness Classes K L p Norms IMAGE PROCESSING
FOCM 2002 Given > 0, N (K) smallest number of balls that cover K Kolmogorov Entropy
FOCM 2002 Kolmogorov Entropy Given > 0, N (K) smallest number of balls that cover K
FOCM 2002 Kolmogorov Entropy Given > 0, N (K) smallest number of balls that cover K H (K):= log (N (K)) Best encoding with distortion of K
FOCM 2002 Encoders and Kolmogorov Entropy -balls with centers x j Compact set K ApproximantsCode x x x x …… x N( ) b m …b 2 b 1 b 0 Codebook Max # of bits log 2 N( )
FOCM 2002 ENTROPY NUMBERS d n (K) := inf { : H (K) n} This is best distortion for K with bit budget n Typically d n (K) n -s
FOCM 2002 SUMMARY Find right metric Find right classes Determine Kolmogorov entropy Build encoders that give these entropy bounds
FOCM 2002 LpLp (1/p,0) LqLq 1/q Smoothness L q Space (1/q, ) (1/q, ) 2 COMPACT SETS IN L p FOR d=2 Sobolev embedding line 1/q= /2+1/p
FOCM 2002 L2L2 (1,1) - BV (1/2,0) LqLq 1/q Smoothness L q Space (1/q, ) (1/q, ) 2 COMPACT SETS IN L 2 FOR d=2
FOCM 2002 ENTROPY OF K Entropy of Besov Balls B (L q ) in L p is n d Is there a practical encoder achieving this simultaneously for all Besov balls? ANSWER: YES Cohen-Dahmen-Daubechies-DeVore wavelet tree based encoder
FOCM 2002 COHEN-DAUBECHIES- DAHMEN-DEVORE Partition growth into subtrees Decompose image j :=T j \ T j-1 f = f = c I I I j j [ T 0 | B 0 | S 0 | T 1 | U 1 | B 1 | S 1 | T 2 | U 2 | B 2 | S 2 |... ] Lead tree & bits Level 1 tree, update & new bits, signs Level 2 tree, update & new bits, signs
FOCM 2002 WHAT DOES THIS BUY YOU? Explains performance of best encoders: Shapiro, Said-Pearlman Classifies images according to their compressibility (DeVore-Lucier) Handles metrics other than L 2 Tells where to improve performance: Better metric, Better classes (e.g. not rearrangement invariant)
FOCM 2002 POSTINGS Postings Grid Z-Values
FOCM 2002 FIDELITY L 2 metric not appropriate
FOCM 2002 FIDELITY L 2 metric not appropriate L better
FOCM 2002 OFFSET If surface is offset by a lateral error of , the L norm may be huge L error
FOCM 2002 OFFSET But Hausdorff error is not large. Hausdorff error L error
FOCM 2002 CAN WE FIND d n (K)? K bounded functions : d N (K) n -1 for N=n d+1 K continuous functions: d N (K) n -1, for N= n d log n K bounded variation in d=1: d n (K) n -1 K class of characteristic functions of convex sets d n (K) n -1
FOCM 2002 Example: functions in BV, d=1 Assume f monotone; encode first (j k ) and last (j k ) square in column. Then k |j k -j k | M n. Can encode all such j k with C M n bits. k jkjk jkjk
FOCM 2002 ANTICIPATED IMPACT DTED Clearly define the problem Expose new metrics to data compression community Result in better and more efficient encoders
FOCM 2002 NUMERICAL PDEs u solution to PDE u h or u n is a numerical approximation u h typically piecewise polynomial (FEM) u n linear combination of n wavelets different from image processing because u is unknown
FOCM 2002 MAIN INGREDIENTS Metric to measure error Number of degrees of freedom / computations Linear (SFEM) or nonlinear (adaptive) method of approximation using piecewise polynomials or wavelets Inversion of an operator Right question: Compare error with best error that could be obtained using full knowledge of u
FOCM 2002 CLASSICAL ELLIPTIC THEOREM Variational formulation gives energy norm H t THEOREM: If u in H t+s then SFEM gives ||u-u h || H t < h s |u| H t+s Can replace H t+s by B s+t (L 2 ) Approx. order h s equivalent to u in B s+t (L 2 ) 8 8 h.. )
FOCM 2002 HYPERBOLIC Conservation Law: u t + div x (f(u))=0, u(x,0)=u 0 (x) THEOREM: If u 0 in BV then ||u(,,t)-u h (.,t)|| L1 < h 1/2 |u 0 | BV u 0 in BV implies u in BV; this is equivalent to approximation of order h in L 1 )..
FOCM 2002 ADAPTIVE METHODS Wavelet Methods (WAM) : approximates u by a linear combination of n wavelets AFEM: approximates u by piecewise polynomial on partition generated by adaptive subdivision
FOCM 2002 FORM OF NONLINEAR APPROXIMATION Good Theorem: For a range of s >0, if u can be approximated with accuracy O(n -s ) using full knowledge of u then numerical algorithm produces same accuracy using only information about u gained during the computation. Here n is the number of degrees of freedom Best Theorem: In addition bound the number of computations by Cn
FOCM 2002 AFEMs Initial partition P 0 and Galerkin soln. u 0 General iterative step P j P j+1 and u j u j+1 i. Examine residual (a posteriori error estimators) to determine cells to be subdivided (marked cells) ii. Subdivide marked cells - results in hanging nodes. iii. Remove hanging nodes by further subdivision (completion) resulting in P j+1
FOCM 2002 FIRST FUNDAMENTAL THEOREMS Doerfler, Morin-Nochetto-Siebert: Introduce strategy for marking cells: a posterio estimators plus bulk chasing Rule for subdivision: newest vertex bisection · THEOREM (D,MNS): For Poisson problem algorithm convergence ).... )
FOCM 2002 BINEV-DAHMEN-DEVORE New AFEM Algorithm: 1. Add coarsening step 2. Fundamental analysis of completion 3. Utilize principles of nonlinear approximation
FOCM 2002 BINEV-DAHMEN-DEVORE THEOREM (BDD): Poisson problem, for a certain range of s >0. If u can be approximated with order O(n -s ) in energy norm using full knowledge of u, then BDD adaptive algorithm does the same. Moreover, the number of computations is of order O(n)... )
FOCM 2002 ADAPTIVE WAVELET METHODS General elliptic problem Au=f Problem in wavelet coordinates A u= f A: l 2 l 2 ||Av|| ~ ||v||
FOCM 2002 FORM OF WAVELET METHODS Choose a set of wavelet indices Find Gakerkin solution u from span{ } Check residual and update
FOCM 2002 COHEN-DAHMEN-DEVORE FIRST VIEW For finite index set A u = f u Galerkin sol. Generate sets j, j = 0,1,2, … Form of algorithm: 1. Bulk chase on residual several iterations · j j ~ · 2. Coarsen: j ~ j+1 · 3. Stop when residual error small enough
FOCM 2002 ADAPTIVE WAVELETS: COHEN-DAHMEN-DEVORE · THEOREM (CDD): For SPD problems. If u can be approximated with O(n -s ) using full knowledge of u (best n term approximation), then CDD algorithm does same. Moreover, the number of computations is O(n).
FOCM 2002 CDD: SECOND VIEW u n+1 = u n - (A u n -f ) This infinite dimensional iterative process converges Find fast and efficient methods to compute Au n, f when u n is finitely supported. Compression of matrix vector multiplication Au n
FOCM 2002 SECOND VIEW GENERALIZES Wide range of semi-elliptic, and nonlinear THEOREM (CDD): For wide range of linear and nonlinear elliptic problems. If u can be approximated with O(n -s ) using full knowledge of u (best n term approximation), then CDD algorithm does same. Moreover, the number of computations is O(n).
FOCM 2002 WHAT WE LEARNED Proper coarsening controls size of problem Remain with infinite dimensional problem as long as possible Adaptivity is a natural stabilizer, e.g. LBB conditions for saddle point problems are not necessary
FOCM 2002 WHAT focm CAN DO FOR YOU Clearly frame the computational problem Give benchmark of optimal performance Discretization/Analysis/Solution interplay Identify computational issues not apparent in computational heuristics Guide the development of optimal algorithms