What’s happening at Trinity….
October Mission of the Month World Communion Special Offering
Thank You for turning in cash register tapes from these stores! We also collect UPCs from Our Family brand products. Money received from these goes to our monthly mortgage payment. Collection boxes are in the narthex by Carpenter Ave. entrance and on the bulletin board by the sanctuary west door.
ALL CHURCH MINI-FAIR 5 The All Church Mini-Fair will be held SATURDAY, October 24, 2015 here at Trinity UMC from 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. Lunch will be served from 11:00 - 1:00. See your bulletin for more information. Put this great event on your calendar – See You There!
College Student Outreach Another year of college has started. Please contact Jen Gauthier at , or Moira Cowling at with the current addresses of students in our congregation. We had great success with this program last year & hope to continue again sending messages & packages of goodies throughout the year. Our goal is to make our college students aware of the fact that their Trinity United Methodist Church family is thinking of them.
Church mortgage has been paid! Come celebrate with us as we burn the mortgage TODAY! Potluck meal in the Fellowship Hall after the 10:30 service. Please bring a dish to pass.
Prayer Shawl Ministry If you would like to know more about this or would be willing to knit or crochet a shawl, please contact Sally in the office at
Committees Need New Members! Positions start January 1 st, 2016…Is God calling you to share your talents and time? Trustees, Finance & Stewardship, Staff/Parish, Hospitality Call the office
Marquette District Double Header Saturday November 7 th 9 am at Wesley UMC Ishpeming This is a great opportunity to worship together & be in fellowship with others across the district. Details are in the bulletin. Registration forms are on the counter in the church office & are due in the District Office Oct. 23