Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction Chapter 11 Review Meiosis and Sexual Reproduction
Meiosis Occurs in all sexually reproducing organisms
Genetic Variation Contributes to genetic variation: Random fertilization Independent assortment Crossing over Binary Fission does not lead to genetic variations.
Haploid - Diploid In the alternation of generations, spores, gametophytes and egg and sperm are Haploid Sporophytes are Diploid
Meiosis Two successive divisions are responsible for the formation of four haploid cells.
Asexual Reproduction DNA does not vary much between offspring Many offspring are produced in a short time Organisms may not be able to adapt to new environments
Fragmentation Is a form of asexual reproduction
Gametes In humans, each gamete receives one chromosome from each of 23 pairs
Crossing Over Portions of a chromatid on one homologous chromosome break off and trade places with the corresponding portion on one of the chromatids of the other homologous chromosome
Life Cycle The activities in the life of an organism from one generation to the next.
Diploid A cell that contains two sets of chromosomes
Independent Assortment Random distribution of homologous chromosomes during meiosis
Homologous Chromosomes Chromosomes that are similar in shape and size and have similar gentetic information
Spermatogenesis The process by which gametes are produced in male animals
Haploid A cell that contains one set of chromosomes
Oogenesis The process by which gametes are produced in female animals
Fertilization The union of sperm and egg cells to produce a diploid zygote
Asexual Reproduction All copies of the single parent’s genes are passed to the offspring
Ovum Female gamete, also called an egg
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