Program Overview Trina Wafle, NESC
“SDWA, CWA, CAA OF 1610, Jamestown, VA” Articles, Lawes, and Orders, Divine, Politique, and Martiall for the Colony in Virginea: first established by Sir Thomas Gates Knight, Lieutenant Generall, the 24. of May exemplified and approved by the Right Honourable Sir Thomas West Knight, Lord Lawair, Lord Governour and Captaine Generall the 12. of June Againe exemplified and enlarged by Sir Thomas Dale Knight, Marshall, and Deputie Governour, the 22. of June article 1.22 Ther shall no man or woman, Launderer or Launderesse, dare to wash any uncleane Linnen, drive bucks, or throw out the water or suds of fowle cloathes, in the open streete, within the Pallizadoes, or within forty foote of the same, nor rench, and make cleane, any kettle, pot, or pan, or such like vessell within twenty foote of the olde well, or new Pumpe: nor shall any one aforesaid, within lesse than a quarter of one mile from the Pallizadoes, dare to doe the necessities of nature, since by thse unmanly, slothfull, and loathsome immodesties, the whole Fort may bee choaked, and poisoned with ill aires, and so corrupt (as in all reason cannot but much infect the same) and this shall they take notice of, and avoide, upon paine of whipping and further punishment, as shall be thought meete, by the censure of a martiall Court. Source:
SMART About Water Strategic Management and Available Resources & Technologies Source Water Protection Planning training and technical assistance program awarded by EPA OGWDW WVU National Environmental Services Center — training development and delivery, remote technical assistance, and results transfer Rural Community Assistance Partnership — face-to-face training delivery and technical assistance in all 50 states Serve CWS and non-CWS in communities with fewer than 3,300 residents Strategically focus on source water threats posed by untreated wastewater — largest source water threat for small systems Social marketing sensibility to promote voluntary action National Design Committee — members from Source Water Collaborative, Wastewater MOU partners, federal, state, and local stakeholders
Data Supporting Strategic Focus Source:
Workshop Background Influences Wisdom of Crowds, by James Surowiecki –A group of moderately informed, moderately intelligent individuals will arrive at a better solution collectively than most extremely well-informed individual experts will offer –Group diversity and individual independence of thought are critical The Tipping Point, by Malcolm Gladwell – Little things can make a big difference – Rules of Epidemics: Law of the Few, Stickiness Factor, Power of Context (7 categories; 150~ RCAP size)
Workshop Background Influences And Rich Holder of NCRCAP —the Steinbeck Award Winner nominated by Andy Adams Orange County, NC Health Dept. 2,500 non-existent or failing wastewater systems in 26 western North Carolina counties In 2006, Rich marshaled financial and volunteer resources to fix a system for a family which had raw sewage flowing underneath their new home Now he has more than a dozen vendors and volunteer groups (esp. ReCreation Experiences) lined up to repair seven more systems this summer, helping families and the environment Our challenge is to “clone” Rich Holder through training and technical assistance programs
Workshop Goal 1 Program Goal = Catalyze SWPP by adopting simple social marketing techniques Focus on high-target audiences (Law of the Few, seven or eight groups) and on high-target threat (wastewater) + Each audience ’ s roles, responsibilities, and authority + WHAT each audience needs to know or do about SWPP and wastewater treatment/management + WHY each audience wants to know or do something that would promote SWPP + A delivery format that matches needs and wants =Criteria for training
Workshop Goal 2 Use training criteria to evaluate existing training curricula, aids, products focusing on high-value targets
Workshop Method “Calibrate” ourselves through presentations Learn basics of social marketing approach Break out into smaller work groups to think deeply about audiences, needs, wants, delivery techniques Professional facilitation/moderator services by experts with social marketing and curriculum design background— The Baldwin Group (TBG) Scott Stafford, Christine Brittle, Dargeelyn Loftin, Baldwin Tom
National Design Committee Roles Attend workshop and share expertise, experience, insights Be a sounding board for program personnel throughout the 18-month effort (15 months left) Be a network of “ go to ” people for each other and for NESC and RCAP technical assistance providers
A Big Thank You For Agreeing To Help!