Personal Finance CAREERS
SWBAT assess the earning potential of various careers. LESSON OBJECTIVE
Career An occupation undertaken for a significant period of a person's life and with opportunities for progress. Liberal Arts Academic subjects such as literature, philosophy, mathematics, and the sciences as distinct from professional and technical subjects. WORD OF THE DAY
How many jobs do you predict you will hold during the span of your working years? INITIAL ACTIVITY
Malcolm Gladwell, The Tipping Point Success is part personal but significantly influenced by time and place. Technologies effect on Careers Tech will eliminate jobs exponentially in certain fields, the newest fields will be replaced last. Think manufacturing vs. graphic design EARNING POTENTIAL
How will time and place affect your generation? Do you believe that technology’s effect on the workforce is good or bad for our society? Share Out EARNING POTENTIAL: QUICKWRITE
Focus Question: Which careers have the most earning potential over the course of a career? Read Degrees that are good investments For your assigned career answer these questions: Why is this considered a good career? How might advancing technology negatively impact this field? Share Out ACTIVITY 1: JIGSAW
Focus Question: How are liberal arts degrees becoming less valuable? Read Is a Liberal Arts Degree Worth It? Considering the money and time you will spend attending college as well as your post-college expectations, should the objective of colleges be vocational training or exposure to various academic fields? Find evidence to support your position. Share Out ACTIVITY 2: INDIVIDUAL
Discussion How might Rick Scott’s thinking alter the course of America’s cultural development? (Consider both the positive and negative impact). SUMMARY
How will time and place affect your generation? Share Out EARNING POTENTIAL: TURN & TALK