Time 600nm Seawater Human feces Seawater wastewater Serial dilutions 0 mE plates 37˚C T0T0 River water Incubate at 27˚C 12hr, 24hr, 48hr, 96hr, 168hr 0 BHI plates The effect of physiological state on Enterococci growth and survival seawater with different sources of nutrients E. faecalis E. faecium E. casseliflavus E. gallinarum Wash cells resuspend seawater 120 plates
600nm 37˚C The effect of sand on Enterococci growth and survival Sand Seawater Serial dilutions 0 mE plates T0T0 E. faecalis E. faecium E. casseliflavus E. gallinarum 41˚C We will do a sand beach transplant! 12hr, 24hr, 48hr, 96hr, 168hr Wash cells resuspend seawater
Sand Serial dilutions 0 mE plates 123 Wash cells resuspend seawater Resuspended cells Organic matter determination Dry and weight 5 to 10g Add 20 to 40ml Hypochlorite (clorox) Mix and incubate Over night Decant supernatant And add more clorox Repeat this 3X and collect the supernatant Dry and weight Compare to Original weight The difference was the amount of organic matter Relative amount of organic matter in different sand samples from the Mayaguez bay