Jenkins Independent
District Data
STATE NCLB DATA 103 of 175 school districts (58.9%) met 100% of their No Child Left Behind (NCLB) AYP goals. Of the 72 school districts (41.1%) that did not make AYP, 65 of these districts made 80% or more of their goals (41 of these school districts met at least 90% or more of their goals). Overall, 168 of 175 school districts (96.0%) in the state met 80% or more of their goals.
NCLB and Title I and Consequences Schools and districts that are funded by the federal Title I program, which provides funds to ensure that disadvantaged children receive opportunities for high-quality educational services, will be subject to federal consequences if they do not make AYP in the same content area in any student group for two or more consecutive years.
Consequences for the tiers increase each consecutive year that a school does not make AYP:
The 2008 NCLB Implications for Districts : 3 Title I districts are in Tier 1 consequences. 13 Title I districts are in Tier 2 consequences. 18 Title I districts are in Tier 3 first-year consequences. 16 Title I districts are in Tier 3 second-year consequences. 17 Title I districts are in Tier 3 third-year
School Data
School INFORMATION RELATED TO 2008 NCLB DATA: Data indicate that 70.9 percent of Kentucky's 1,157 public schools made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) in the school year under the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act, the Kentucky Department of Education announced August 5th. This is a decline from 2007 when 78.7percent of schools made AYP.
A rise in reading and mathematics goals likely contributed to a lower percentage of schools making AYP in 2008 than in 2007.
NCLB and Title I Schools 809 of the 1,174 schools that participated in the state's assessment and accountability system were funded by Title I.
Consequences RELATED TO 2008 NCLB DATA: · 47 Title I schools are in Tier 1 consequences. · 34 Title I schools are in Tier 2 consequences. · 20 Title I schools are in Tier 3 consequences. · 40 Title I schools are in Tier 4 consequences. · 1 Title I school is in first-year Tier 5 consequences. · 5 Title I schools are in second-year Tier 5 consequences.
Each SBDM will present their NCLB School Level Data
CATS The public release date for information related to the Commonwealth Accountability Testing System (CATS) is for September
One last thought before the schools present their data: RECYCLE
Once a Cavalier Always a C AVALIER !!!