Proofs of Inspiration
A. The Bible Claims to be the inspired Word of God Powerful statements of inspiration 2 Tim. 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21; 2 Sam. 23:1; Ezra 1:1; Acts 1:16
Human recorders Realized that God was giving them the words Exo. 25:1; Isa. 1:2; Jer. 1:1-2
Jesus placed His stamp on the scripture Matt. 4:4 “ But He answered and said, It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.”
Judgment Judgment attached to adding to or taking away from the words of Scripture shows God’s attitude toward the importance of His Word. Deut. 12:32; Prov.30:5-6; Rev. 22:18
Authorship of reliable literature We accept the authorship of reliable literature until proven otherwise Other books that claim to be the word of God (ex. Koran) is filled with contradictions and historical inaccuracies.
History History has shown that the Bible is the indestructible Word of God A.D. 303 Roman emperor Diocletian tried to destroy every Bible. He said, that Christian were people of the book, “Bible”. In A.D. 312 the next emperor Constantine made Cross of Christianity the symbol of the Roman Empire. In the 1700’s Voltaire said, 100 years from now there will be no Bibles.
The copyists’ Care Indestructibility of the Bible was fulfilled in the copying of the manuscripts The scribes had such regard for the scriptures that they went to great lengths to ensure the accuracy of their copies. Masorets: Hebrew scholars who copied the Old Testament from 500 A.D. until the printing press 1440.
Dead Sea Scrolls 1947 the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls Some of the Old Testament manuscripts found in the cave date back to the first century B.C. Book of Isaiah oldest text found matches perfectly to the modern texts.
The First Printed Bible In 1456, in Mainz, Germany Johann Gutenberg printed the first Bible. Mr. Gutenberg who invited the movable- type printing press wanted to produce an inexpensive Bible. Between 1815 & 1992 some 6.1 Billion copies have been sold
Proofs of Inspiration Fulfilled prophecies of the Bible Old Testament prophecies concerning Christ’s first coming. Virgin BirthIsa. 7:14 Birthplace BethlehemMic. 5:2 Forerunner: John the BaptistIsa. 40:3 His pierced side on CalvaryZech. 12:10 His hands a feet piercedPsa. 22:16 This was wriiten 1,000 years before Christ came. Buried in a rich man’s tombIsa 53:9 His ResurrectionPsa. 16:10 & Hos. 6:2 Over 2,000 prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus.
New Testament Prophecies Destruction of Jerusalem for told by Jesus in Matt. 24:2. The Romans destroyed Jerusalem in 70A.D. Simon Peter’s unnatural death for told by Jesus. The restoration of the Jewish Nation and Jerusalem. In 1949 The Jewish Nation was restored.
Scientific accuracy of the Bible The spherical shape of earth Isa. 40:22 The rotates upon its axis. Job 38:13-14 The atmosphere has weight Job 28:5 Stars travel in certain paths. Judge 5:20 Blood sustains lifeLev. 17:11 The universe is running down Psa. 102:25 The stars differ in magnitude I COr. 15:41
Historical Accuracy Hittites, the Bible referenced them several times but, secular archaeologist doubted their existence. In 1906 the Hittite capital was discovered. Belshazzar, King of Babylon mentioned in the Bible but not discovered by archaeologist until a few years ago.
The Bible transforms lives Psa I Tim. 1:12-15; Paul John Newton “Amazing Grace” Queen Victoria of England