REGIONAL REVIEW MEETING of Watershed Component of PMKSY (erstwhile IWMP) at Hyderabad on 20 th & 21 st November, 2015 SLNA KERALA
SUMMARY OF IWMP, SLNA, KERALA Year of Appraisal Sl.noParticulars Batch-I & II ( & ) Batch-III ( ) Batch-IV ( ) Batch-V ( ) Batch- VI ( ) Total 1No. of projects Project Area (Ha) Project cost(Rs. Cr.) Funds received (Rs. in Cr.) Central + State+misc Total Expenditure (Rs. In Cr.) (as on ) DPRs sanctioned Projects closed/cancellation Timelines for DPRsNA
INSTITUTIONAL PREPAREDNESS - 1 Particulars No. of projects sanctioned so far83 No. of Districts covered14 No. of WCDCs set up14 No. of projects in which PIAs are appointed62 No. of NGOs/ VOs appointed as PIAsNil
INSTITUTIONAL PREPAREDNESS - 2 Institu tion No. of experts & staff be engaged as per guideline issued by DoLR No. of experts & staff actually engaged Total Total SLNA 11 WCDC 42 PIA / WDTs WCs
Budget Component Amount released for projects sanctioned during (Central share + State share) Total expenditure incurred % of Expen diture Unspent Balance (at all levels) Total Total DPR EPA Institution & cap. building Admn. cost Watershed works Livelihood activities for the asset-less Production system & micro- enterprises Monitoring Evaluation Consolidatio n Phase Total EXPENDITURE FACTSHEET (PROJECT FUND) (As on ) (Rs. in crore)
BATCH I & II No. of project 26 projects Project Cost (RS. in Cr.) Sl. No.Budget Component Fund Released Expenditure % Expenditure Unspent Balance Remarks 1DPR Strategic Plan prepar ed for completing the projects during the year EPA Training & IEC Admin. Cost Watershed Work Livelihood Production Sys. & microenterprises Monitoring Evaluation Consolidation Total AGENDA ITEMS : Performance of IWMP Projects (Batch – wise)
BATCH III No. of project 15 projects Project Cost (RS. in Cr.) Sl. No.Budget Component Fund Released Expenditure % Expenditure Unspent Balance 1DPR EPA Training & IEC Admin. Cost Watershed Work Livelihood Production Sys. & microenterprises Monitoring Evaluation Consolidation Total
BATCH IV No. of project 20 projects Project Cost (RS. in Cr.) Sl. No.Budget ComponentFund ReleasedExpenditure % Expenditure Unspent Balance 1DPR EPA Training & IEC Admin. Cost Watershed Work Livelihood Production Sys. & microenterprises Monitoring Evaluation Consolidation Total
BATCH V No. of project 10 projects Project Cost (RS. in Cr.) Sl. No.Budget Component Fund Released Expenditure % Expenditure Unspent Balance 1DPR EPA Training & IEC Admin. Cost Watershed Work Livelihood Production Sys. & microenterprises Monitoring Evaluation Consolidation Total
BATCH VI No. of project 12 projects Project Cost (RS. in Cr.) Sl. No.Budget ComponentFund ReleasedExpenditure % Expenditure Unspent Balance 1DPR EPA Training & IEC Admin. Cost Watershed Work Livelihood Production Sys. & microenterprises Monitoring Evaluation Consolidation Total
PHYSICAL ACHIEVEMENTS UNDER IWMP Success IndicatorUnit Achievement up to Achievement during Target for Achievement during (From to ) Total Achievement as on Creation of new Rain water Harvesting Structures Number Renovation/ restoration of old rain water harvesting structures Number Additional area brought under irrigation ha Plantation including afforestation & horticulture ha Formation of Self Help Groups (SHGs) Number Providing livelihoods to households Number
INSTITUTIONAL PREPAREDNESS- FINANCIAL (AS ON ) ParticularsFor SLNAFor WCDCsTotal Central assistance released so far from to Other miscellaneous receipts (incl. interest accrued), if any Total funds available Total expenditure (as on ) % of expenditure Un spent Balance Remarks : Institutional fund for the year & not released byDoLR. Proposal submitted in time for releasing funds. Excess Expenditure met from the miscellaneous income from programme fund Account.
So. No. Batch-I & II ( & ) Batch-III ( ) Timeline Anticipat ed Expendit ure Timeline Anticipat ed Expendit ure iTraining of PIAs iiTraining of WDTs iiiTraining of CBOs ivTraining of WC secretaries vSkill Upgradation Training to SHGs Members viRefferesher Training viiExposure visits 2Watershed Works iSoil and Moisture Conservation works iiWater Harvesting Structures iiiPlantation Activities 3 vProduction System and Microenterprises viLivellihood Activities for assestless persons GRAND TOTAL Strategy for Utilization of Unspent Balance (Rs. Cr.) (Unspent Balance 7.24 Cr.)
Annual Paln approved by DoLR : Rs. 140 Cr. - Fund Released Rs. 20 Cr. So. No. Batch-I & II ( & ) Batch-III ( )Batch-IV ( )Batch-V ( )Batch-VI ( ) Timeline Anticipat ed Expendit ure Timeline Anticipate d Expenditu re Timeline Anticipa ted Expendi ture Timeline Anticip ated Expendi ture Timeline Anticipat ed Expendit ure Total Fund requirem ent Preparation of DPR Completed /31/ iTraining of PIAs 3/31/ /31/ /31/ /31/ iiTraining of WDTs 3/31/ /31/ /31/ /31/ /31/ iiiTraining of CBOs 3/31/ /31/ /31/ /31/ /31/ iv Training of WC secretaries 3/31/ /31/ /31/ /31/ /31/ v Skill Upgradation Training to SHGs Members 3/31/ /31/ /31/ /31/ /31/ viRefferesher Training 3/31/ /31/ /31/ /31/ /31/ viiExposure visits 3/31/ /31/ /31/ /31/ /31/ Sub Total (i) Watershed Works 0 iEntry Point Activities Completed 0.00 Completed 0.00 Completed /31/ ii Soil and Moisture Conservation works 3/31/ /31/ /31/ NA iii Water Harvesting Structures 3/31/ /31/ /31/ NA ivPlantation Activities 3/31/ /31/ /31/ NA Sub Total (ii) v Production System and Microenterprises 3/31/ /31/ /31/ NA vi Livellihood Activities for assestless persons 3/31/ /31/ /31/ NA Sub Total (iii) Completion of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase previous batches (separately batch-wise) Completed Administration GRAND TOTAL Strategy for Utilization of Anticipated fund received from Central and State as per AAP (Anticipated Fund : Rs. 120 Cr. )
1.3 Progress in DPR Preparation StateParticular No. of project sanctioned No. of DPRs already prepared & approved by SLNA Timeline for completion of remaining DPRs No. of DPRs uploaded in the website of the Nodal Dept. URL of the web-site Kerala For projects sanctioned during (batch I & II) 26 For projects sanctioned during For projects sanctioned during For projects sanctioned during For projects sanctioned during Total
1.4 STATUS OF EVALUATION OF PREPARATORY PHASE AND WORKS PHASE OF IWMP PROJECTS (as on ) Batch Status of Evaluation of Preparatory Phase (indicate Yes/No) Status of Evaluation of Works Phase (indicate Yes/No) No of projects likely to be completed during Completed Under Process If not done likely date of completion Completed Under Process If not done likely date of completion Batch - I & II I & II Yes No III Yes No IV Yes NA V Yes NA VI Yes NA
1.5IMPLEMENTATION OF PFMS STATUS OF REGISTRATION OF AGENCIES IN PFMS (UPTILL THE LATEST SANCTIONED PROJECTS) Name of State No of agencies at State Level No of agencies at State Level Registered No of agencies at District Level No of agencies at District Level registered No of agencies at PIA level No of agencies at PIA level registered No of agencies at Watershed Committee level No of agencies at Watershed Committee level registered Kerala
STATUS OF UPLOADING INFORMATION ON BHUVAN IWMP PORTAL Name of stateNo of projectsNo of micro-watersheds No of micro watershed whose data has been sent to NRSC Kerala1052 STATUS OF UPLOADING DATA ON BHUVAN PORTAL Name of state No of districts under IWMP No of projects No of projects whose data has been uploaded in Bhuvan Portal* Kerala1108
IWMP-IMPLEMENTATION OF PROCESS MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE BatchNo of projectsNo of PIA registered No of projects for which legacy data in the excel sheet has been provided I & II26 Nil III15 Nil IV20 Nil V10 Nil VI12 Nil Total83
1.6DATA UPDATING IN MIS Sl.NoParameters Total No of Projects Projects DisplayedData Entry Done Wrong Entry Done, need Unfreezing by DoLR 1 PIA User Account created Project location reported Baseline Survey reported Financial Action Plan Financial Achievement Physical Action Plan Physical Achievement
1.7Progress in appointment of agencies for Concurrent Monitoring Evaluation and learning (MEAL) and their status of functioning Status of engagement of Concurrent Monitoring agencies under IWMP Projects (as on ) Status of engagement Timeline for completion Engaged Advertise in News Paper Proposal receivedNot done Proposal received from 2 bidders. Techincal bid verified on Finalisation under process
CAPACITY BUILDING Sl. No.Capacity Building ParticularsRemarks 1Role of SLNA in Capacity Building Arranging ToT, Selection of Institution, Arrangement of State Level Workshop, Identification of resource person and research institutions. 2 Status of preparation of Capacity Building Plan for state (for all Levels of Stakeholders ) Capacity building plan for prepared at all levels. 3 Status of preparation of Modules of Training have been prepared or not (for all levels of stakeholders) Modules of Training is prepared. 4 Status of preparation of Modules of Training in local language already prepared 5 Status of preparation of Calendar of training for already prepared 6 Total budget proposed for Capacity building during Cr.
Level of Stakeholder No. of training No. of Beneficiaries Subject of Training Program Name of Training Institute Proposed Expenditure (In Cr.) SLNA Level Refresher Training for Technical Experts/WDT members, BDOs, WC Secretaries, PRI members etc SIRD, KILA, IWDMK0.5 District Level (DLRC) 75037,500 Training for project implementation & Exposure Visit SIRD, KILA, ETC, RSETI, KVK, KSLUB, Soil Conservation Department and Other line departments. 3.5 WDT Level (CLRC) ,000 Training for PRI members, Line department Officials, NGOs etc Recognized training institutes in Kerala 5 WC Level (Village) 30001,50,000 Training for user groups, SHGS, PRI Members and Water Shed Communities etc. Recognized training institutes in Kerala 4 Total PROPOSED CAPACITY BUILDING PLAN FOR
2.1 Strategy for completion of Pre- IWMP projects and submission of required documents. STRATEGYOF COMPLETION OF PRE- IWMP PROJECTS Programme No of Projects Sanctioned No. of Projects completed No. of Projects Closed On going Projects IWDP(Pre Hariyali) 211 Hariyali DDP Total
STRATEGYOF COMPLETION OF PRE-IWMP PROJECTS-PENDING UTILIZATION CERTIFICATE Programme No. of pending UCs Year of oldest pending UC Amount involved in pending UCs Unspent balance available as on (Rs. in crore) IWDP DPAP DDP Total Time by which the pending UCs to be submitted Remarks:- Non submission of Utilization Certificate is due to the non completion of audit
PMKSY (WM) Capacity Building – Vision Sharing & Planning
Relevance of CB under IWMP IWMP A scientifically planned and designed program Implemented in a participatory way
Relevance of CB under IWMP… To make it successful, all stake holders should be familiar with The principles of watershed development Nature & techniques of all activities Management principles Scientific applications Values & ethics of the program etc.
CB – Budget Provision 5% of the total project cost is earmarked for Institution & CB activities This amount has to be expended through the whole project period, for Initial CB activities General & TechnicalTraining for all stake holders RM Training for watershed community & IEC activities BOT & Skill training for Livelihood Training of farmers for Productivity Enhancement
Stake Holders – State level Training Technical Experts (Agri) of WCDC Block Panchayath Presidents Block Panchayath Secretaries EO(WW)s of Block Panchayath Accountants of WCDCs WDT Engineers Social Mobilizers, WDT Agri. Assistants, WDT Data Entry Operators of WCDC & WDT Watershed Committee Secretaries (VEOs)
Stake Holders – District level Training District level officials of Line Depts Elected Representatives of Dist. & Block Panchayaths LSGD Engineers at Block & GP level Line Dept. officials at District,Block & GP level Grama Panchayath Secretaries Extension Officers of Block Panchayaths HC & Ministerial Staff of Block Panchayaths
Stake Holders – Block level Training BLBC Members Elected Representatives of Block & Grama Panchayaths VEOs (other than WC Secretaries) Watershed Committee Members Accredited Engineers of MGNREGS SHG/JLG – Basic Orientation Trg. SHG/JLG – Skill Up gradation
Stake Holders – Community level Training Mates & workers of MGNREGS SHG/UG functionaries CDS/ADS members of Kudumbashree Padasekhara Samithy/Farmers Club Functionaries of Voluntary Organisation/Arts & Sports club School Children/Nature Club members Watershed community as a whole
Partner Institutions SIRD AHADS-CCPRM IWDM-K, Chadayamangalam CWRDM, Kozhikode CPCRI KVKs RSETIs Agriculture University Other development depts
Guiding Principles in CB Capacity building inputs will be in tune with the Project Management Cycle Develop a realistic Action Plan for providing Capacity Development inputs at all levels Capacity Development inputs go beyond “training” Need based and continuous Capacity Development inputs to be offered Provision of Decentralized and Institutionalized Capacity Development inputs
Training in IWMP involves Institutional Trainings – for Elected Representatives, Officials etc. Community Trainings – for Watershed Committee, SHG, UG, Kudumbashree etc. Livelihood & Production System Training – for JLG, SHG, farmers, MGNREGS workers etc.
IWMP – Institutional Training In Three Layers State District, and Block In Two streams Technical Non Technical
IWMP – Institutional Training- Non Technical Non Technical training at State level by SLNA direct or through SIRD Non Technical training at lower levels may be done by WCDCs & PIAs
IWMP – Institutional Training- Technical Technical Trainings through AHADS-CCPRM SIRD IWDM-K, Chadayamangalam CWRDM, Kozhikode
IWMP – Community level Training - Themes Major Four Themes 1. General Trainings about IWMP 2. Natural Resource Management Soil & Water conservation Environmental protection 3. Production System Training Family Farming Presence & Impact of pesticide in our daily food(Visham Kazhikkuna Malayali – campaign) Organic/Zero Budget Natural Farming Animal Husbandary & Dairying Back yard Poultry Other Production System opportunities under IWMP
4. Livelihood Trainings Basic Orientation Training Skill Upgradation in different sectors Entrepreneurship Development Book keeping & Accounting Training Skill Training for MGNREGS workers
Community level Training- Methodology Family Gatherings (Kudumba Sadassukal) Awareness Classes Corner Meetings Jala Sabhas (Special Grama Sabha) Street plays Video/Documentary presentations Poster exhibitions House to house visits Processions
Community level Training- Convergence With MGNREGS Target group - MGNREGS Mates & workers Themes - NRM Practices Water Conservation measures Organizational support – NREG Mission & IWMP Funds – CB funds of IWMP
Community level Training- Convergence With MGNREGS Target group - MGNREGS Workers Theme - Skill Up gradation Training (Plumbing, Electrical repairing, Masonry works, Carpentry, House keeping, Home nursing, Gardening, Organic manure making etc.) Organizational support – NREG Mission & IWMP Funds – CB funds of IWMP
Community level Training- Convergence With Nirmal Bharath Abhiyan Target group – Watershed Community Themes – Water quality Importance of safe drinking water (Jala Suraksha) Methodology – Water quality testing & Awareness classes Module & Technical support – NBA Organizational support – IWMP Funds – CB funds of IWMP
Livelihood Training- Convergence With NRLM Target group – JLG/SHG/NHG members Theme – Various Livelihood activities Organisational support – IWMP/Kudumbashree Funds – CB funds of IWMP & NRLM