Best practice in preparing to house refugees Jamie Stewart CIHCMDirect Dial: +44 (0) Housing Development OfficerFax: +44(0) Scottish Refugee Council 5 Cadogan Square Glasgow G2 7PH Website address:
What is your status? Asylum Seeker An asylum seeker is person who has made a claim and whose claim is being considered You can not be an ‘illegal asylum seeker’. People seeking asylum have a legal right to be in the UK Immigrant Is a person who has moved to another country voluntarily to improve their quality of life through work or study. Immigrants tend to move for pull factors e.g. better job prospects, better quality of life, rather than push factors, threat to their life. Refugee A Refugee is a person who has been recognised as unable to return to their own country due to persecution they would face there. They therefore have “Leave to Remain”
Full Housing and homelessness duties Indefinite Leave to remain * Discretionary Leave to Remain Refugee status Humanitarian Protection Housing rights of refugees * (or longer if approved) Almost all of these groups will have access to public funds
Key facts – Asylum in Scotland Around 2000 asylum seekers per year Approx 1/3 will get status 68% under 35 71% Male77% single Eritrea, Sudan, Ian, Syria, China 88% JSA claimants 64% access 2 language
Countries from which most refugees come to the UK (End of June 2015 UNHCR) Pakistan Iran Syria Iraq Cameroon China Sudan Nigeria Eritrea Gambia Holistic integration service figures
Refugee housing entitlements Asylum appn – Croydon No choice dispersal Home Office accom Home office refer to Council Home- less assess- ment Temp accom RSL tenancy Eviction from HO accom Allocation of caseworker Homeless letter Housing support Help to find housing Refugee given status 28 days
Challenges Homelessness Access to benefits Benefit sanctions English language levels Obtaining employment
Refugee homelessness in Glasgow
Challenges Homelessness Access to benefits Benefit sanctions English language levels Obtaining employment
Benefit delay no of days from status to payment Job-seeker's allowance42 Employment Support Allowance48 Income support50 Child benefit91 Child Tax Credit77 HIS Data
Challenges Homelessness Access to benefits Benefit sanctions English language levels Obtaining employment
What will Syrian resettlement look like? Selection of refugees in camps Granted Humanitarian Protection Assessment and health screening Arrangements with Council(s) Integration services A different profile with similar needs?
Tackling challenges through integration
Sense of Agency
Basis of the model Sustainability Partnership Recognising Resilience and Vulnerability Prevention Early intervention OBJECTIVES
Integration Move On Asylum Process Arrival 3 months Holistic Agreement Person Centred Action Plan Our Holistic Integration Service: 0 – 28 days Initial Assessment 28 – 60 days Action Plan 6 months Action Planning Review 9 months Action Planning Review 12 months External Review Holistic Assessment Critical Complex Guidance Resilience Person centred planning Intensive casework Advocacy Casework Action Plans Reviews Groups Briefings Info Universal audience Health: GPs, Dentists, Specialist service (e.g. Compass) Housing: Homelessness Housing options HA Nominations Education ESOL classes Colleges Community Social connections Employment DWP Welfare Rights Volunteering Specialist employability
Why is it best practice? Reflects international best practice Person-centred approach designed to increase resilience Create sustainable communities Address equalities issues across Scotland Engage with national strategies (eg New Scots Refugee Integration Strategy) Can be applied to resettlement across Scotland
Jamie Stewart CIHCM Housing Development Officer Scottish Refugee Council 5 Cadogan Square Glasgow G2 7PH Direct Dial: +44 (0) Fax: +44(0) Website address: