The War to End All Wars
Since the time of Washington’s presidency, the United States’ policy towards wars in EUROPE was to stay NEUTRAL. However, with the outbreak of WWI the US would find this to be increasingly difficult. Eventually, the US would be dragged into the conflicts of Europe and the role of the US in world affairs would be changed forever.
Imperialismmilitarism Arms racenationalism Secret alliances
Russia Germany Britain France Russia Italy Eventually the USA Germany Ottoman Empire Austria-Hungary · The war began in Europe in 1914 when Germany and Austria-Hungary went to war with Britain, France, and Russia. · For three years, America remained neutral, and there was strong sentiment not to get involved in a European war.
Generalizations · The decision to enter the war was the result of continuing German submarine warfare (violating freedom of the seas) and American ties to Great Britain. Americans wanted to “make the world safe for democracy.” (Woodrow Wilson)
Zimmerman Telegram Britain British Democracy Cultural ties to England
· America’s military resources of soldiers and war materials tipped the balance of the war and led to Germany’s defeat. · With the declaration of war, the progressives in power decided that if they could legislate social change and reform with laws, they could also mobilize for war by passing laws. · The laws they passed created government agencies that would get the American economy ready to fight.
Coordinated production of weapons, ships, tanks and planes, set wages & outlawed strikes Created voluntary rationing of food; gave loans to farmers to increase production. Meatless Mondays & Wheatless Wednesdays Drafted 12 million men to fight. Censored news of the war & created propaganda to increase public support & enthusiasm for the war Outlawed any anti-war speech censored freedom of speech Sedition Act Arrested anyone who did not openly support the war effort, or who participated in anti-war protests Created the income tax to help pay for the war Rationed gas; created “daylight savings time” to save fuel
Airplanes Tanks Automobiles Machine guns poison gas Submarines Anti-aircraft guns Barbed wire Bomber planes Gas masks
So in April of 1917 President Wilson asks Congress for a declaration of war. The US declares war as part of Wilson’s foreign policy called “Moral” Diplomacy with the goal of “keeping the world safe for democracy.” After 4 years of fighting, the Allies were thrilled to have our help.
The problem was the US was not ready! We only had 120,000 troops in the entire military. To up this number, the US passes the National Defense Act, increasing the number of Army and National Guard troops and training officers. 24 million people volunteer for military service. Congress also passes the Selective Service Act which drafts 12 million men. These men are sent to fight in France as the “American Expeditionary Force” led by General Pershing. American troops expected an easy victory, but once they arrived, it took another year to push the Germans back into Germany because they fought trench warfare which is slow.
When the US joined the war on the side of the Allies, their military resources of soldiers and war materials tipped the balance of the war and led to Germany’s defeat. In the peace talks, Wilson tried to implement his ideas of his 14 Points and thus try to eliminate the causes of war. Some of his ideas were listened to and some were not. Though, despite his attempts; the Treaty of Versailles (the agreement that officially ended WWI) would ultimately lead to WWII.
self 14 Points Open diplomacy & no secret treaties Freedom of the seas Worldwide free trade World disarmament Breakup of the Ottoman Empire & creation of mandate governments in the Middle East Creation of the League of Nations to mediate future conflicts
Generalizations · The French and English insisted on punishment of Germany. A League of Nations was created. National boundaries were redrawn, creating many new nations. Specifics After a long debate, the Versailles Treaty said 5 things: Nine new nations were created from the breakup of the Ottoman Empire : 1. Austria2. Hungary3. Poland 4. Czechoslovakia5. Iran6. Iraq 7. Turkey8. Jordan9. Palestine Germany must accept responsibility for the war and pay the Allies $ 13 Billion in war reparations. Germany must disband its army to prevent it from attacking its neighbors Germany loses ¼ of its territory and 1/8 of its population. The League of Nations is created to mediate future disputes between nations.
Result: 1. Germany was resentful about the provisions of the treaty 2. Germany wants to regain its pre-war power 3. The US Senate refuses to ratify the Versailles Treaty
Why the US Senate Rejects the League of Nations 1. Senator Henry Cabot Lodge blocks discussion of the treaty 2. Congress doesn’t want to lose sovereignty to the League of Nations 3. US foreign policy= isolationism 4. Wilson vows to pass the treaty= goes on a nationwide speaking tour, has a stroke The US never ratifies the treaty or joins the League of Nations. Because of this weakness and the provisions of the treaty the League is not able to prevent WWII!