The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Facts - Saudi Arabia is the largest nation in the Arabian peninsula with an estimated 2,150,000 sq. ft in land mass with 28.7.


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Presentation transcript:

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Facts - Saudi Arabia is the largest nation in the Arabian peninsula with an estimated 2,150,000 sq. ft in land mass with 28.7 million inhabitants. The Persian Gulf lies northeast and the Red Sea to its west. It is bordered by Jordan on the northwest, Iraq on the north and northeast, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and the U.A.E. on the East

The Islamic Kingdom The kingdom is sometimes referred to as the “Land of the Two Holy Mosques” as it is home to Mecca and Medinah, the two holiest cities in Islam. Yet the nation’s beginnings can be traced back to 1902 when captured the city of Riyadh. Though the official proclamation and recognition of the nation didn’t come until Traces of national Origins however can be traced all the way back to 1744, with the establishment of the First Saudi State. The current ruler is King Abd Al-Aziz Al- Saud.

History Saudi Arabia is considered the homeland of the Arab peoples. It is widely believed that the first Arabs originated on the Arabian Peninsula. It is also the birth place of Islam, the worlds second largest religion. Muhammad, known as the creator of Islam, ascended from the peninsula. The area was dominated by the Ottoman Empire by 1517, yet by the 18 th century it was divided up into several principalities. Yet in 1745 Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab began to call for the purification and reform of Islam. The movement swept across Arabia and by 1811, Wahhabi leaders had successfully waged a jihad against other forms of Islam on the peninsula uniting much of Arabia. However by 1818, the Wahhabis had been driven out of power by the Ottomans and their Egyptian allies. Once again, the Wahhabi movement would arise. King Abdul-Aziz bin Saud ( ), a descendent of Wahhabi leaders, seized Riyadh in He then set himself up as leader of the Arab nationalist movement and was able to establish Wahhabi dominance in Nejd and Hejaz in The Hhjaz and Nejd regions later merged to form the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 1932, and later incorporated Asir into the kingdom. In 1932, it was originally an absolute monarchy ruled by Sharia. Later in 1992, the Saudi royal family introduced the country to its first constitution, making it a constitutional monarchy.

Government King Abdullah is currently the head of the Saudi government. Since 1992, the nation has also been ruled by the sons and grandsons of the first King, Abd Al-Aziz Al- Saud. The Kingdom also claims the Quran as its constitution of its country, which is governed on the basis of Islamic Law. There are no recognized political parties or national elections. The kings powers are slightly limited as he must retain the consensus of the Saudi Royal Family, ulema (religious leaders), and other important members of Saudi society. Since 1953, the Council of Ministers, appointed by the King, have been created to advise on the formation of general policy and also to help direct the activities of the bureaucracy. The council consists of a prime minister, first prime minister and twenty ministers. Legislation is conducted by the Council of Ministers, ratified by royal decree and must be in accordance with Sharia. Judges are also appointed by the king to the Supreme Judicial Council, composed of 12 senior jurists. Independence of the Judiciary is protected by law, as the King does act as the highest form of appeal, and has the power to pardon.

Islamic Law The country is governed by a much different set of rules much of the world is used to. Criminal cases are tired under Sharia courts, which exercise authority over the entire population including foreigners regardless of religion. Their judiciary system is much more severe in their punishments as capital or corporal punishment including amputations for crimes such as murder, robbery, and rape. There are less severe punishments such as flogging for crimes such as drunkenness and other forms of public immorality. Crime is taken very seriously as punishments are harsh and many times permanent, as in this case as a marijuana smuggler is beheaded.

Interesting Facts It is believed the tomb of Eve is located in Jeddah. “The Cradle of Gold,” located 200 miles from Jeddah was once the greatest gold mine of all of Africa and the Middle East. Prince Sultan Ibn Salman, became the 1 st Arab Muslim to fly into space. Mecca, was the birthplace of the Prophet Mohammed, the creator of Islam