American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Perinatal Pediatrics Trainee and Early Career Neonatologists Group
Made for us by us The goal of these presentations is to make all the neonatal-perinatal medicine fellows aware of the resources available Generate enthusiasm and participation from fellows Regularly scheduled presentations to disseminate information and collect feedback
Did you know? That you have the ability to listen and learn about neonatology from world renowned experts in the comfort of your call room/home
Perinatal section website resources
Archived presentations for your education
From National Conferences
Gold mine of knowledge Archive of talks and presentations by experts at the AAP NCE and the Perinatal practice Strategies meeting held annually
Perinatal Section website resources
Talks from experts: as good as the real thing
Classic and up-to-date evidence based presentations
Video interviews/opinions from experts
Perinatal Section website resources
Pediatrix Grand rounds
Pediatrix Grand Rounds
Audio-visual Grand rounds relevant to perinatal medicine
More to follow Stay tuned